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1 Web-quest по английскому языку для 8 класса Тема «Britain is more than London» Выполнили: Макарова Л.Д. Шуптерекова Е.И. Кидиекова Э.М. Смирнова Т.С. Павлова А.Е.
2 Welcome to the United Kingdom! The United Kingdom, Great Britain, Britain, England, the British Isles – these different names are sometimes used to mean the same thing and they are often used wrongly.
3 What is the difference between the United Kingdom, Great Britain, Britain, England, the British Isles?
4 Answer the following questions: What are the British Isles? Where are they situated? What states are situated in the British Isles? Find the answer here.here What is the UK? What countries is the UK made up of? Answers are here.here What is Great Britain? What countries is Great Britain divided into? That is what can help you.That is
5 The United Kingdom Show please on the map Wales, Northern Ireland, Scotland, England
6 Wales What is Wales? What is the capital of Wales? What languages are spoken in Wales? What can you say about the population and nationalities of Wales? The symbol of Wales is a dragon, isn't it? Find the information here.here
7 Scotland Is Scotland situated in the North or in the South of the united Kingdom? Does Scotland belong to UK? What is the emblem of Scotland? What is the main city of Scotland? What is the area of Scotland? What parts is Scotland divided into? You can find the answers here.here
8 England Where is England situated? What is the capital of England? With what countries does England border in the North, in the south-west of the British Isles? Is England the largest part of Great Britain? What can you say about population and nationalities of England? This site can help you. This site
9 Northern Ireland How many people live in Northern Ireland? What is the capital of Northern Ireland? What is the symbol of Northern Ireland? What are the highest in summer and the lowest in winter temperatures in Northern Ireland? What languages are spoken in Northern Ireland? What sports and games are very popular in Northern Ireland? Here are the answers. Here
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