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Презентация была опубликована 11 лет назад пользователемПолина Тагильцева
1 Banjo
2 Banjo
3 Cello
4 Clarinet
5 Double bass
6 Drums
7 Flute
8 Guitar
9 Keyboard
10 Piano
11 Saxophone
12 Trombone
13 Trumpet
14 Violin
I can play the piano. drum I can play the drum guitar I can play the guitar.
Music for pupils teach the violin «4 seasons» papa village not far Vienna quartets deaf Moonlight Sonata extra lessons taught by father church music lost.
Изготвил: After silence that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is MUSIC. (A. Huxley)
TOYS electronic game toy gun bow and arrow flag.
Instruments in the orchestra The project is made by the pupil of the 11 th form Bolshi Bikshihi secondary school Yemelyanov Alexander.
Rock 'n' roll - a genre of popular music, born in 1950 in the U.S. and appeared in early stage of development of rock music.
After silence that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is MUSIC. (A. Huxley)
Which instrument is from Africa? GUITAR FLUTE DRUM.
Name all instruments! Guitar piano bass guitar drums recorder keyboards Saxophone Violin Contrabass Grand piano Flute Trumpet Accordion lip accordion harp.
Classical music. By 1750, composers were tired of the complicated many-voiced music of Bach and Handel. They were looking for a simpler musical language.
The presentation was prepared by N.V. Buhtina. Rock music typically uses simple unsyncopated rhythms in a 4/4 meter, with a repetitive snare drum back.
Music Instruments. String group- струнные инструменты.
Play table tennis play volleyball play tennis play football play basketball windsurf swim ski play cards write read paint dance take photographs sing play.
Music-making. Keyboard Instruments Self-sounding with great dispatch-keyboard: A)челеста String B)клавесин Wind C) bayan, аккордеон Electronic D)синтезаторы,
© М. М. Жилавий. MUSIC MUSIC IN OUR LIFE © М. М. Жилавий.
The Vegetable Orchestra Roman Kotenko, 10 C Introduction Known in Europe as Das erste Wiener Gemüseorchester or The First Vienna Vegetable Orchestra,
From antiquity to modern. Little about history of music Man has invented music on the antiquity. First sing later played on the pipes and drums. Later.
What can we do? Презентацию подготовила учитель английского языка МБОУ «СОШ п. Пробуждение» Дятлова Ю.Ю.
The dance of the fire. Flamenco is a style of music and dance which is considered part of the culture of Spain. It is an exotic dance, but is actually.
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