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Презентация была опубликована 11 лет назад пользователемВалентина Аушева
4 Theme: Healthy Living Theme: Healthy Living Good health Good health is above is above wealth wealth
5 ?
6 Healthy bananacheeseyogurtpineappleappleorange Unhealthy cakepizzachips chocolate
8 Nina: Its time to have dinner, Larry. Larry: I dont eat dinner at school. I dont like the food. Nina: What food do you like? Larry: I like cheeseburgers, potato chips, Coca Cola and sweets. Nina: But it is not right food. Larry: And what is the right food? Nina: Different food. Meat, fish, and milk help you to grow. You must eat fruit and vegetables. They have got a lot of vitamins. Larry: OK. What do they have for dinner today? Nina: Vegetable salad, soup, meat and potatoes and ice- cream. Larry: Oh, thats great. I would like to have a lot of ice- cream. Lets go.
9 Nina: Its time to have dinner, Larry. Larry: Nina: What food do you like? Larry: Nina: But it is not right food. Larry: Nina: Different food. Meat, fish, and milk help you to grow. You must eat fruit and vegetables. They have got a lot of vitamins. Larry: Nina: Vegetable salad, soup, meat and potatoes and ice-cream. Larry: Nina: Its time to have dinner, Larry. Larry: Nina: What food do you like? Larry: Nina: But it is not right food. Larry: Nina: Different food. Meat, fish, and milk help you to grow. You must eat fruit and vegetables. They have got a lot of vitamins. Larry: Nina: Vegetable salad, soup, meat and potatoes and ice-cream. Larry:
10 Nina: Larry: I dont eat dinner at school. I dont like the food. Nina: Larry: I like cheeseburgers, potato chips, Coca Cola and sweets. Nina: Larry: And what is the right food? Nina: Larry: OK. What do they have for dinner today? Nina: Larry: Oh, thats great. I would like to have a lot of ice-cream. Lets go.
11 words words to have dinner to have dinner dont like the food dont like the food I like cheeseburgers right food different food for dinner today for dinner today a lot of ice-cream.
12 Healthy food Healthy food Unhealthy food Unhealthy food
13 When you are young and growing, it is important to eat a variety of food which is good for you. This makes you strong and healthy. It is also important not to eat a lot of food which you dont need or which is bad for you.
14 Protein gives you energy Protein gives you energy and helps you grow. and helps you grow. Fat is also gives you Fat is also gives you energy but animal fat in meat, energy but animal fat in meat, eggs and cheese has got eggs and cheese has got cholesterol in it. cholesterol in it. A lot of sugar can make A lot of sugar can make you fat. you fat. Vitamins help you grow Vitamins help you grow and stay healthy. and stay healthy. Fibre keeps your digestive Fibre keeps your digestive system healthy. system healthy.
16 We should eat healthy food. We should eat healthy food.
17 To be healthy in your life, To be healthy in your life, Dont forget to do all five, Dont forget to do all five, Get up early, quick and bright, Get up early, quick and bright, Exercise with all your might. Exercise with all your might. In the morning jump and run, In the morning jump and run, Eat your breakfast youve done, Eat your breakfast youve done, Train your body, train your brain, Train your body, train your brain, And all bad habits pass away. And all bad habits pass away.
18 We should go in for sports. We should go in for sports.
19 Bad habits Bad habits
20 Видео о курении Видео о курении
21 You should not smoke.
23 We should have positive emotions.
24 Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
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