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Презентация была опубликована 11 лет назад пользователемАльбина Кабицкая
2 strong the strong +est strong+er warm warm+er the warm+est
3 interesting more interesting the most interesting wonderful more wonderful the most wonderful
4 good bad many better worse more the best the worst the most
5 young the younggest the youngestyoungger younger
6 short the shortest the shorttest shorter shortter
7 tall the talleest talleer taller the tallest
8 beautiful the beautifulest more beautiful beautifuler the most beautiful
9 difficult the difficultest the most difficult more difficult difficulter
10 interesting the most interesting the interestingest more interesting interestinger
11 pretty prettyer the prettyest the prettiest prettier
12 the funniest the funnyest funnier funnyer funny
13 happy the happyest the happiest happyer happier
14 nice the niceest the nicest niceer nicer
15 the largest the largeest larger largeer large
16 big bigger the bigest biger the biggest
17 hot hotter hoter the hottest the hotest
18 thin thiner the thinest the thinnest thinner
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