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Презентация была опубликована 11 лет назад пользователемКлавдия Шушпанова
1 QUIZ Авторы: Лаворова Татьяна Ивановна, учитель английского языка Гейнц Анастасия, ученица 11Б класса
3 «10» What are the capitals of Scotland, Wales, England and Northern Ireland? The capital of … …Scotland is Edinburgh …Wales is Cardiff …England is London …Northern Ireland is Belfast
4 What are the floral symbols of England and Scotland? Englands floral symbol is a red rose. Scotlands floral symbol is thistle.
5 What are the floral symbols of Wales and Northern Ireland? The Welsh symbol is Leek or Daffodil. The Irish symbol is Shamrock.
6 Who is the official head of the UK? the Queen
7 Where is from Loch Ness Monster? From Scotland
8 When do children go trick or treat? October 31 st
9 The flag of which country features a dragon? Flag of Wales features dragon.
10 What is the name of the place? TOWER OF LONDON
11 What political system does the UK belong to ? Constitutional monarchy
12 This is a flag of… Northern Ireland
13 In what country do men wear skirts? In Scotland
14 Who is patron saint of England? St. George
15 «5» What is the capital of the United Kingdom? London
16 «5» What four historic parts does the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland consist of? England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland
17 «5» What is the poetic name of Great Britain? Albion
18 «5» How is the flag of the UK called? Union Jack
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