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1 Novosibirsk. Places of Interest Igor Astrenko Form 9a School #2, Dovolnoe School #2, Dovolnoe Head: N.A.Serdyukova
2 In 1957 the Siberian branch of an Academy of sciences of the USSR (nowadays - Russian academy of sciences) was organized. It was situated in the Аkademic Centre. Novosibirsk became the centre of science.The development of scientific researches on priority directions is supported by the state.The Siberian scientific schools turned the city into a large centre of science of Siberia. In 1992 there were 32 research centres and 5 institutes of technology. Novosibirsk became the third university city in Siberia after Tomsk and Irkutsk. Novosibirsk state university was founded in In 1957 the Siberian branch of an Academy of sciences of the USSR (nowadays - Russian academy of sciences) was organized. It was situated in the Аkademic Centre. Novosibirsk became the centre of science.The development of scientific researches on priority directions is supported by the state.The Siberian scientific schools turned the city into a large centre of science of Siberia. In 1992 there were 32 research centres and 5 institutes of technology. Novosibirsk became the third university city in Siberia after Tomsk and Irkutsk. Novosibirsk state university was founded in Аkаdемic centre. What is it? Аkаdемic centre. What is it? Cinema "Academy
3 Аkаdемic centre. What is it? Аkаdемic centre. What is it? It is a large scientific complex and the most beautiful place. It is situated 40 km from the largest city in the east of the country - Novosibirsk, in a pinewood among the birches, near the man-made Оb sea. There are no factories but many scientific institutes surrounded with forests. It is a large scientific complex and the most beautiful place. It is situated 40 km from the largest city in the east of the country - Novosibirsk, in a pinewood among the birches, near the man-made Оb sea. There are no factories but many scientific institutes surrounded with forests. Science is one of the basic sources of the employment of the population in Novosibirsk Аkademic centre.In Lavrentyev avenue there are more than 40 research institutes. The house of the scientists The house of the scientists in the night
4 About the Аkademic centre The Аkademic centre is a prototype of a number of such centres of science in other countries. The Novosibirsk centre of science is the largest in the Siberian branch of SO RAN, there is about a half of its scientific potential there. The centre was built in The Аkademic centre is a prototype of a number of such centres of science in other countries. The Novosibirsk centre of science is the largest in the Siberian branch of SO RAN, there is about a half of its scientific potential there. The centre was built in Institute of Geology
5 Novosibirsk centre of science is the largest in the Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of sciences. It includes about half of the resources of the Siberian branch. According the government decision the centre was built in 1957 as a unique scientjfic complex including all the fields of science. Building of presidium of SO RAN
6 Institute of Mathematics The incorporated institute of computer science The Sobolev institute of Mathematics, Institute of the Mathematical Geophysics (Computer centre),Incorporated institute of computer science, Institute of Computing Technologies,theYershov Institute of Systems of computers develop the mathematics and information technologies.
7 Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry During many years the Аkademic centre became a prestigious place for work and rest. Here, among the birches and pines there are inhabited buildings and scientific institutes. In modern conditions the Novosibirsk Akademic centre turns into a high technological zone.
8 Information Resources Новосибирск. А. Гордин. Москва «Планета» 1990г. Электронный переводчик «Promt»Гигант1998
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