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Презентация была опубликована 11 лет назад пользователемЛиана Саламатина
1 The Russian Federation.
2 The Goal
3 Territory Its area is about 17 million square kilometers It covers the eastern part of Europe and the northern part of Asia. Russia is washed by the seas of the Pacific, the Atlantic, and the Arctic oceans
4 Poets and writers A.S. Pushkin F.M. Dostoevskiy, A. Solgzhenitsin
5 Nobel Prize Pyotr Kapiza won the Nobel Prize in Physics (in 1978) A.Sakharov(1975) M.Gorbachev(1990)
6 resources Coal Ores Oil Gas Gold
7 Baikal it contains 1/5 of the earths fresh water
8 The President D. Medvedev
9 The capital Moscow
10 The Tzar-Bell and The Tzar-Cannon
11 St. Basils Cathedral
12 The result My work proves Russia will be a world leader thanks to national resources, cultural and scientific achievements and peoples potential.
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