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1 Grigory Rossolimo - a founder of Russian child neurology and psychology Elena Minkova State Pedagogical University, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
2 The main aim of this paper is to: provide characteristic features of his work in experimental psychology, following the path of his scientific work in chronological order analyze his key findings in his primary research: the method of psychological profiles highlight Rossolimo's enduring contribution to the development of Russian and world psychology and defectology
3 Grigory Rossolimo ( ) Born in Odessa Graduated from the Medical Faculty of Moscow State University Earned his medical doctorate Head of the Clinic for Nervous Diseases Chairman of the Society of Neurologists and Psychiatrists in Moscow Founder and Editor of Journal Neuropsychiatry" Founded Russia's first clinic of nervous diseases of childhood Arranged Institute of Child Psychology and Neurology which he funded himself Professor of Nervous Diseases at the 1st State University in Moscow, Director of the clinic and the Neurological Institute Died in Moscow
4 Sergei Korsakoff (1854 – 1900) Born in Vladimir Graduated from the Medicine Faculty of Moscow State University 1876 – 1879 –Postgraduated from the clinic for nervous diseases Earned his medical doctorate 1892 – Appointed professor extraordinarius at a new university psychiatric clinic Head of the Clinic for Nervous Diseases Died in Moscow
5 Grigory Rossolimo and Anton Chekhov, his contemporary well- known writer-physician
6 Clinic for Nervous Diseases in Moscow, founded in 1890
7 Method of psychological profile.
8 Tombstone on the grave of Rossolimo in Novodevichie cemetery (Sculptor V.I. Kovrigin)
10 Laboratories opened and working by February 1917 Laboratory of Experimental Psychology and Child Neurology at the Neurological Institute of A. J. Kozhevnikov, under the direction of G.I. Rossolimo; Moscow Medical and Pedagogical Experimental Station, under the direction of V.P. Kashenko (later renamed to Moscow Medical and Pedagogical Clinic); Psychological Institute at the 2nd Moscow State University, under the direction G.I. Chelpanov; The Central Pedological Institute, under the direction N. A. Ribnikov.
12 the first pedological courses were opened at the University in St. Petersburg Bechterev founded the Pedological Institute a Froebel Institute was set up in Kiev by Sikorsky three pedological institutes formed in Moscow: The Central Pedological Institute, Medical Pedological Institute and a psycho- pedological branch at the 2nd Moscow State University
13 The subjects taught at the first pedological courses in St. Petersburg in 1904 PedagogyAnatomy General PsychologyNervous and mental Pathology Study of defective children Child Hygiene Criminal Anthropology Psychophysiology of sensory organs Comparative Child Psychology Psychology
15 National Research Institute for Scientific Pedagogy at Second Moscow State University (1926, Pinkevich) Academy of Communist Education (1923, has tree pedological laboratories: Molozhavy, Blonsky, Zalkind) State Institute of Experimental Psychology (1924, Kornilov) Department of Children's Health Hospital for Nervous Diseases at the First Moscow State University (1923, Rossolimo) National Institute of Social Hygiene People's Commissariat of Health (1923, Molkov) The higher educational courses at the Second Moscow State University (1924, Zalkind) Research Institute of Occupational Diseases (1923, Bogolepova )
16 The First All-Russian Psycho-Neurological of Human Behavior Congress (also known as "Behavioral Congress) The Second Congress of Social Legal Protection of Minors The Second All-Russian Psycho- Neurological Congress The First All-Russian Congress of Teachers The Second All-Union Pedological Conference (also known as Pedological Meeting All-Union Pedological Congress The Third All-Russian Child Welfare Congress The First All-Union Congress on the Study
17 Pavel Blonsky ( ) Born in Kiev Graduated from the classics department of the history and philology faculty, Kiev University Taught education and psychology in girls high schools in Moscow Obtained Masters degree, became an assistant professor at Moscow University, began to give lectures on educational psychology He was made a professor at Moscow University Worked with Krupskaya in the scientific education section of the State Academic Council (GUS) Died in Moscow
18 Lev Vygotsky ( ) Born in Orsha Graduated both from law Faculty of Moscow University and historical and philosophical faculty of Shanyayskys University Worked at the Moscow State Institute of Experimental Psychology Defended his doctoral thesis on Psychology of Art 1925 – Participated in the Congress of Defectology in London 1927 – Taught courses in several universities in Moscow, Leningrad, Harkov Founded and worked at the Institute of Defectology Died in Moscow
19 Aron Zalkind ( ) Born in Kharkov Graduated from the medical faculty of Moscow State University Was director of the Petrograd Psychotherapeutic Institute Was forced to distance himself from psychoanalysis and publicly repented of his "connections" with Freudianism, directed his scientific aspirations towards the developmental problems of Pedology Director of the Institute of Psychology, Pedology and Psychotechnics Died in Moscow
21 Mikhail Basov ( ) Born in the village of Loginovo, Tver province Worked in Psychoneurological Institute in Petrograd under Lazurskys leadership Professor of Pedology and psychology at the State Institute of Pedology, Leningrad and at the Leningrad Pedagogical Institute in the name of Herzen Was accused of being anti- Marxist and to re-instate his name he leaves science and takes up mechanical fitter apprenticeship Received a small injury at the factory which caused blood infection and later death
22 Four main principles of Pedology The principle of the holistic approach to the study of the child, using data obtained from various sciences; The genetic principle, to include Vygotsky's proposed idea of the zone of proximal development; The principle of taking into consideration the social context, that is, the living conditions of the child; The principle of making a diagnosis of the level of a child's development with the purpose of providing the child and the child's parents with psychological assistance.
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