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Презентация была опубликована 11 лет назад пользователемAliya Aryzbekova
2 Introduction Environment and development of the fetus Main part Harmful factors Research work Conclusion Prevention of effects in the environment
3 Research problem: Consists in studying of distribution of alcohol, drugs, tobacco smoking in life of modern young people and its influence on fetus development Actuality: to reveal a condition of this problem at present time and to prevent negative subsequences The goal of research: Collect as much as possible information on this problem by means of sociological poll Object of research: young people at the age of years Reason of research: addiction: (alcohol, drugs, smoking) Hypothesis of research work: to prove harmful influence on fetus development
4 Addictions (smoking, alcoholism, drugs). Cigarette contains over 4,000 chemicals, including 43 known cancer- causing (carcinogenic) compounds and 400 other toxins. These cigarette ingredients include nicotine, tar, and carbon monoxide, as well as formaldehyde, ammonia, hydrogen cyanide, arsenic, and DDT
6 Regressive changes in the nature, caused by economic activity of all mankind, put it on an accident side. Deforestation on the huge areas Hydromod e violation pollution of the atmosphere, hydrosphere by soil poisonous emissions destructio n of an ozone layerСлай д 11
7 transport Manufacture and CHP СО 2 CH 4 NH 3 The scheme of the greenhouse effect Impact of greenhouse gas emissions suninfrared rays The accumulation of heat in the upper atmosphere global warming Таяние ледников Flooding of coastal land BACK
8 in the early weeks of pregnancy from too much carbon dioxode exposure is miscarriage. Early embryos are particularly sensitive, and their rapidly dividing cells are easily damaged BACK
9 H 2 SO 4 HNO 3 H 2 CO 3 transport Manufacture and CHP СО 2 SO 2 NO 2 + H 2 O Acid rain: their cause and the harmful effects A negative impact on living organisms BACK
12 Cancer Assuming that an embryo survives x-ray exposure in the first month of pregnancy, there is a much higher risk of the baby developing cancer in childhood or later in life than if the exposure had not occurred, notes the CDC
13 Used literatures Environment, Power, and Society for the Twenty-First Century Environmental Science by G. Miller, Scott Spoolman Endgame, Vol. 1: The Problem of Civilization Carbon Tax and Cap-And-Trade Tools: Market-Based Approaches for Controlling Greenhouse Gases
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