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Презентация была опубликована 11 лет назад пользователемold.ineu.edu.kz
1 Инновационный Евразийский Университет Кафедра «Английская филология и перевод» Слайд-лекция по дисциплине «История языка» на тему: Old English Historical Background Для студентов специальностей «Переводческое дело» «Филология: иностранная филология» Разработал: ст.преп. Фанакова Л.В.
2 ПЛАН ЛЕКЦИИ 1.Pre-Germanic Britain: 1.1 The Celtic Period 1.2 The Roman Invasion of Britain 2.Germanic Settlement of Britain. 3. Beginning of English.
3 PRE-GERMANIC BRITAIN The Celtic Period Prior to the Germanic invasion the British Isles must have been inhabited for at least 50,000 years. The Celts are known to be the earliest inhabitants of Britain. The Celtic subgroup of the IE linguistic family is divided into three branches: Gaelic, Britonnic, and Gaulish (Gallic). Later they were absorbed by other IE languages.
4 PRE-GERMANIC BRITAIN The Roman Invasion of Britain The permanent conquest of Britain began in 43 A.D., under Emperor Claudius. It lasted for almost 400 years. The Romans subjugated the Britons, and colonized the country, establishing a great number of military camps, which eventually developed into English cities.
5 The elements of Roman culture and language which the Germans learnt in Britain were mainly passed to them by the Romanised Celts.
6 GERMANIC SETTLEMENT OF BRITAIN The 5th c. was the age of increased Germanic expansion. The Germanic invaders came to Britain in 449 A.D. under the leadership of two Germanic kings, Hengist and Horsa. The Teutons arrived in families and clans, to settle in the occupied territories.
7 The invaders of Britain came from the western subdivision of the Germanic tribes, namely the Saxons, the Angles and the Jutes.
8 GERMANIC SETTLEMENT OF BRITAIN The Ways of WG Invasion The 1 st wave The Jutes or the Frisians, occupied the extreme South-East: Kent and the Isle of Wight. The 2 nd wave the Saxons, who settled along the south coast and on both banks on the Thames and, depending on their location, were called South Saxons, West Saxons and East Saxons (later also Mid Saxons, between the western and eastern groups). The 3 rd wave the Angles who settles on the east coast and then moved to the central part of the island, to occupy the district to the North of the Humber river.
9 GERMANIC SETTLEMENT OF BRITAIN Germanic tribes established seven Old English kingdoms 1.Kentby the Frisians 2.Wessex 3.Sussex 4.Essex by the Saxons 5.East Anglia 6.Mercia 7.Northumbria by the Angles
10 Beginning of English Gradually the Germanic conquerors and the surviving Celts blended into a single people. The invaders certainly prevailed over the natives as far as language was concerned; the linguistic conquest was complete.
11 The migration of the Germanic tribes to the British Isles and the resulting separation from the Germanic tribes on the mainland was a decisive event in their linguistic history.
12 Beginning of English Being cut off from related OG tongues the closely related group of West Germanic dialects developed into a separate Germanic language, English. That is why, the Germanic settlement of Britain can be regarded as the beginning of the independent history of the English language.
13 Контрольные вопросы 1.Who were the earliest inhabitants of Britain? 2.Name the Celtic languages. 3.When and did the Romans begin the permanent conquest of Britain? For how long they stayed in Britain? 4.When did the Germanic invasion begin? 5.Which West Germanic tribes invaded Britain? What kingdoms did they establish? 6.Why is the Germanic invasion considered to be a decisive event in the history of English?
14 Литература: Основная учебная литература: 1.Расторгуева Т.А. История английского языка: Учебник для вузов М.: Астрель, 2003 (чз-5, аб-15). 2.Иванова И., Чахоян Л., Беляева Т.История английского языка: Учебник. Хрестоматия. Словарь/ И.Иванова, Л.Чахоян,Т.Беляева СПб.: Лань, 2006 (чз-5, аб-17). Дополнительная учебная литература: 1.Ярцева В.Н.Языкознание: Большой энциклопедический словарь / Под ред. В.Н.ЯрцевойМ.: Большая Российская энциклопедия, 2000 (чз-3). 2.«Сrosscultural Aspects of The English Language History (Historical, social and cultural backgrounds of the English language history)»: учебное пособие по курсу истории английского языка/ Сост.: Р.Ж. Саурбаев, C.Г. Кулагина; Сургут. гос ун-т. – Сургут: Изд-во СурГУ, 2003 (медиатека ИнЕУ).
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