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Презентация была опубликована 11 лет назад пользователемsiteschool4.ucoz.ru
1 The degrees of comparison of adverbs and adjectives Васильченко С.Н. Учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ 4 им.В.В. Самсонкиной Ст.Кущёвская Краснодарского края
2 The degrees of comparison of adverbs and adjectives Односложные: - er, (сравнительная) - est,(превосходная) Многосложные:- more, (сравнительная) - the most,(превосходная)
3 Исключения: good, bad, much (many), little Положительная степень Сравнительная степень Превосходная степень goodbetterthe best badworsethe worst many(much)morethe most littlelessthe least
4 Двойные степени сравнения Far Old Father Более далекий Further Дальнейший, дополнительный Farthest Самый далекий Furthest Самый далекий Older Старее Oldest Самый старый Elder старший Eldest Самый старший
5 Near nearer Late Nearest ближайший Next Следующий по порядку Later позже Latest Последний (по времени появления) Latter Последний (из двух) Last Последний ( по порядку)
6 Write the comparative and superlative Old-older-the oldest strong brave large happy funny fat sad difficult seriously bad good little crowded easy important
7 Complete the sentences. Use a comparative. 1.Bill doesn't work very hard. I work …. 2.You are not very tall. Your brother is….. 3.My chair isnt comfortable. Yours is…. 4.Jills idea wasnt good. My idea was…. 5.Britain isnt very big. France is ….. 6.London isnt very beautiful. Paris is ….
8 Complete the sentences. Use than. He is very tall. Im …than he. I dont work very hard. He works…than I. Im not a good cooker. You cook …than I. He doesn't smoke much. You smoke…than he.
9 Put the adjectives in brackets into the correct form. Mr brown is as (talkative) as his wife. Mount Everest is (high) mountain in the world. Sherlock Holmes was (good) detective in London. My football socks are (durty) than yours.
10 Choose the correct answer. Clare dances…than Sue. (better, well, the best) Mark is as…as Georg. (taller, tall, the tallest) Peter is…student in the class. (good, the best, the goodest) Mary is…of two sisters. (nicer, the nicest, nicest)
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