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Презентация была опубликована 12 лет назад пользователемsvetly5school.narod.ru
1 Автор – Додонова Вера Александровна Презентация предназначена для уроков английского языка в 3 классе
2 Правила образования степеней сравнения прилагательных long longer (the) longest smart smarter (the) smartest kind kinder (the) kindest strong stronger (the) strongest short shorter (the) shortest
3 Compare (сравни) : Postman Pechkin is tall. Crocodile Gena is taller. Uncle Styopa is the tallest.
4 Особые случаи В односложных прилагательных с кратким гласным звуком + одна согласная буква эта согласная удваивается hot - hotter - the hottest big - bigger - the biggest
5 Compare (сравни) : This house is big. This house is bigger. This house is the biggest.
6 Буква y на конце прилагательных после согласных меняется на i : happ y - happ i er - the happ i est funn y - funn i er - the funn i est
7 Compare (сравни) : funny funnier the funniest The puppy is … The monkey is … The kitten is …
8 Буква е на конце прилагательных выпадает: nic e - nicer - the nicest fin e - finer - the finest
9 Compare (сравни) : The red flower is… The white flower is… The yellow flower is… nice nicer the nicest
10 К прилагательным, состоящим из трёх и более слогов, прибавляются в сравнительной степени more и в превосходной степени the most Beautiful – more beautiful – the most beautiful Curious - more curious - the most curious
11 Compare (сравни) : Alice is … Mary is … Jane is … beautiful more beautiful the most beautiful
12 исключения good - better - (the) best bad - worse - (the) worst many / much - more- (the) most little - less - (the) least far - farther - (the) farthest
13 Your car is less, than my car. But my car is better, than your car.
14 Agree or disagree (согласись или не согласись): (Thats right.) ( Thats not right.) The elephant is the biggest animal. The biggest cat is the tiger. The giraffes neck is shorter than the bears. Dogs are cleverer than cats. Cats are funnier than monkeys. Bananas are tastier than apples. The monkeys tail is longer than the cats.
15 Choose the right word for each gap (заполните пропуски подходящими словами) What animal has got the … tail? The new doll is … than the old one. I think that Prostokvashino is the … cartoon. The horse has got a … tail than the pig. My dress is … than your dress. nicer shortest longer most interesting more beautiful
16 Choose the correct words. (выбери подходящие слова). Lions are (clever, cleverer, the cleverest) than tigers. Crocodiles are (long, longer, the longest) than lizards. Monkeys are (funny, funnier, the funniest) animals in the Zoo. Foxes are very (cunning, more cunning, the most cunning). The goose is (big, bigger, the biggest) than the duck. The wolf is (brave, braver, the bravest) than the hare. The mouse is ( small, smaller, the smallest) than the rabbit. The bear is( strong, stronger, the strongest) than the wolf. Malvina is (good, better, the best) than Fox Alice. Cat Basilio is (bad, worse, the worst) than Pierro. Pierro is (little, less, the least) curious than Buratino.
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