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Презентация была опубликована 12 лет назад пользователемfestival.1september.ru
1 Образовательная технология «Достижения прогнозируемых результатов» Английский язык
2 Суть эксперимента – вооружение учителя образовательной технологией и вывод его на качественно другой уровень преподавания и взаимоотношений с учащимися. Технология дает учителю инструмент для разработки учебно-методических комплексов, направленных на эффективное и качественное достижение прогнозируемых результатов в личностно- ориентированном образовательном процессе.
4 ИТОГОВАЯ РАБОТА ИТОГОВАЯ РАБОТА по теме « Путешествие» по теме « Путешествие» Уровень 1. Уровень 1. Задание 1. Поставьте глагол в простом прошедшем времени. Задание 1. Поставьте глагол в простом прошедшем времени. 1. We (to visit) a lot of museums when we were in London. 1. We (to visit) a lot of museums when we were in London. 2. The children (to have) a wonderful time last time. 2. The children (to have) a wonderful time last time. 3. They (to make) a day- trip to some interesting places near Moscow every month. 3. They (to make) a day- trip to some interesting places near Moscow every month. 4. I (to swim) a lot and (to stay) in the sea every year. 4. I (to swim) a lot and (to stay) in the sea every year. 5. The weather (to be) terrible at the seaside yesterday. 5. The weather (to be) terrible at the seaside yesterday. 6. My family and I (to go) to the Black Sea in August. 6. My family and I (to go) to the Black Sea in August. Задание 2. Вставьте подходящее по смыслу слово в следующих предложениях. Задание 2. Вставьте подходящее по смыслу слово в следующих предложениях. Many, a lot of, much Many, a lot of, much 1. There are flowers in the garden. 1. There are flowers in the garden. 2. Has Alice got toys? 2. Has Alice got toys? 3. Are there schools in your town. 3. Are there schools in your town. 4. There are not resorts in England. 4. There are not resorts in England. 5. There are old towers in London. 5. There are old towers in London. 6. Do you drink milk? 6. Do you drink milk? 7. Is there soup in the plate? 7. Is there soup in the plate? 8. London has not got tourists in winter. 8. London has not got tourists in winter. 9. There is not snow in Scotland this year. 9. There is not snow in Scotland this year. 10.There are beaches in the south of England. 10.There are beaches in the south of England.
5 Задание 3. Составьте предложения, используя следующие слова. Задание 3. Составьте предложения, используя следующие слова. To France, last summer, went, on business, my father. To France, last summer, went, on business, my father. Great Britain, in the north-west, situated, is. Great Britain, in the north-west, situated, is. The monument, of Trafalgar Square, in the centre, is, to Admiral Nelson, there. The monument, of Trafalgar Square, in the centre, is, to Admiral Nelson, there. Museum, the British, in London, the, is, famous, most, museum. Museum, the British, in London, the, is, famous, most, museum. It, by, bus, to travel, is, and, interesting, car. It, by, bus, to travel, is, and, interesting, car. The weather, warm, is, usually, England, in, winter. The weather, warm, is, usually, England, in, winter. ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Уровень 2. Уровень 2. Задание 4. Прочитайте текст, и отметьте предложения, соответствующие содержанию текста. Задание 4. Прочитайте текст, и отметьте предложения, соответствующие содержанию текста. Dear Mike, Dear Mike, Last year a group of pupils of our school visited London, the capital of our country. Last year a group of pupils of our school visited London, the capital of our country. We stayed in London for two weeks and could see many interesting things. We could walk along its beautiful streets and squares. Our group visited many museums, theatres and cinemas. We stayed in London for two weeks and could see many interesting things. We could walk along its beautiful streets and squares. Our group visited many museums, theatres and cinemas. We liked Trafalgar Square, the Tower with its white walls, the British Museum, St. Pauls Cathedral best of all. Though we stayed in London for two weeks, we couldnt visit all the places of interest. We liked Trafalgar Square, the Tower with its white walls, the British Museum, St. Pauls Cathedral best of all. Though we stayed in London for two weeks, we couldnt visit all the places of interest. Yours, Sasha. Yours, Sasha.
6 True or false? True or false? Last year a group of pupils visited London. Last year a group of pupils visited London. London is the capital of Great Britain. London is the capital of Great Britain. We are staying in Paris now. We are staying in Paris now. Our group visited many museum, theatres and cinemas. Our group visited many museum, theatres and cinemas. We didnt like Trafalgar Square, The Tower of London. We didnt like Trafalgar Square, The Tower of London. We liked the Tower of London best of all. We liked the Tower of London best of all. We stayed in London for three weeks and visited all the places of interests. We stayed in London for three weeks and visited all the places of interests. It is the letter of a Russian boy. It is the letter of a Russian boy. Задание 5. Задайте вопрос к данным ниже предложениям в прошедшем времени. Задание 5. Задайте вопрос к данным ниже предложениям в прошедшем времени. Last summer Kate travelled a lot. Last summer Kate travelled a lot. When … When … She bought a lot of souvenirs for her family. She bought a lot of souvenirs for her family. What … ? What … ? Kate was in G.B. Kate was in G.B. Where … ? Where … ? She enjoyed her visit to Britain. She enjoyed her visit to Britain. Did … ? Did … ? 5. Kate had a wonderful time. 5. Kate had a wonderful time. Who… ? Who… ? She visited the British Museum. She visited the British Museum. Did… or… ? Did… or… ? Уровень 3. Уровень 3. Задание 6. Поставьте предложения в логическом порядке и составьте рассказ. Задание 6. Поставьте предложения в логическом порядке и составьте рассказ. Last summer Kate travelled a lot. Last summer Kate travelled a lot. She stayed there three days. She stayed there three days.
7 3. She bought a lot of souvenirs for her family. 3. She bought a lot of souvenirs for her family. 4. Kate was in Great Britain. 4. Kate was in Great Britain. 5. She visited the British Museum. 5. She visited the British Museum. 6. Kate took train to London. 6. Kate took train to London. 7. She saw a lot of interesting places there. 7. She saw a lot of interesting places there. 8. In London she met her friend and spoke English a lot. 8. In London she met her friend and spoke English a lot. 9. Kate had a wonderful time. 9. Kate had a wonderful time. 10. She enjoyed her visit to Britain. 10. She enjoyed her visit to Britain. Задание 7.Поставте прилагательное в нужной форме. Задание 7.Поставте прилагательное в нужной форме. 1. Travelling by train is very (interesting). 1. Travelling by train is very (interesting). 2. It is (comfortable) to travel by plane than by train. 2. It is (comfortable) to travel by plane than by train. 3. (fast) method of travelling is by plane. 3. (fast) method of travelling is by plane. 4. The weather in summer is (good) than in winter. 4. The weather in summer is (good) than in winter. 5. What is (cheap) method of travelling? 5. What is (cheap) method of travelling? Задание 7. Прочитайте диалог и составьте вопросы для интервью по маршруту путешествия Мистера Грина. Задание 7. Прочитайте диалог и составьте вопросы для интервью по маршруту путешествия Мистера Грина. Hello Mr. Green. Hello Mr. Green. G. Oh, I was on a wonderful trip. I travelled to England. G. Oh, I was on a wonderful trip. I travelled to England. Fantastic! Did you go there by sea or by plane? Fantastic! Did you go there by sea or by plane? G. By sea. It is more interesting. G. By sea. It is more interesting. A. What famous places did you visit in London? A. What famous places did you visit in London? G. I stayed in London 7 days and saw The Tower of London, Trafalgar Square and the British Museum. G. I stayed in London 7 days and saw The Tower of London, Trafalgar Square and the British Museum. Did you like them? Did you like them? G. Yes, indeed. London is a wonderful city! Im going to write an article about it. G. Yes, indeed. London is a wonderful city! Im going to write an article about it. Did you take any pictures? Did you take any pictures? G.I certainly did. Besides London I visited Glasgow and then came back to Moscow by plane. G.I certainly did. Besides London I visited Glasgow and then came back to Moscow by plane. A. How interesting. Thank you very much. Good bye. A. How interesting. Thank you very much. Good bye.
8 Срезовые работы по теме «Путешествие». Срезовые работы по теме «Путешествие». Урок 1. Изобразите карту темы по разделам: Урок 1. Изобразите карту темы по разделам: «Страны» «Страны» «Где находятся страны» «Где находятся страны» «Транспорт» «Транспорт» Урок 2.Соотнесите следующие слова на русском языке с разделами карты темы: Урок 2.Соотнесите следующие слова на русском языке с разделами карты темы: Достопримечательности Достопримечательности Погода Погода Куда можно путешествовать? Куда можно путешествовать? Интересные места Интересные места Прилагательные (для описания путешествия, погоды.) Прилагательные (для описания путешествия, погоды.) Урок 3. Распределите глаголы на две группы: правильные глаголы, неправильные глаголы. Поставьте их в простом прошедшем времени. Урок 3. Распределите глаголы на две группы: правильные глаголы, неправильные глаголы. Поставьте их в простом прошедшем времени. To have, to travel, to ride, to play, to speak, to watch, to get, to come, to visit, to help, to stay, to enjoy. To have, to travel, to ride, to play, to speak, to watch, to get, to come, to visit, to help, to stay, to enjoy. Урок 4. Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную формы: Урок 4. Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную формы: My friend wrote to me very often last year. My friend wrote to me very often last year. ?______________________________________ ?______________________________________ -______________________________________ -______________________________________ Last summer we made a tour to Italy. Last summer we made a tour to Italy. ?_______________________________________ ?_______________________________________ -_______________________________________ -_______________________________________ I met my friend during last summer holidays. I met my friend during last summer holidays. ?________________________________________ ?________________________________________ -________________________________________ -________________________________________ My family and I had a lot of fun last weekend. My family and I had a lot of fun last weekend.
9 ?_________________________________________ ?_________________________________________ -_________________________________________ -_________________________________________ I read a lot of books when I was a child. I read a lot of books when I was a child. ?_________________________________________ ?_________________________________________ -_________________________________________ -_________________________________________ We swam in the sea last summer holidays. We swam in the sea last summer holidays. ?__________________________________________ ?__________________________________________ -__________________________________________ -__________________________________________ Урок 5. Выберите правильный вариант наречия количества: Урок 5. Выберите правильный вариант наречия количества: Many a lot of much Many a lot of much There is too _________ sugar in the sugar-basin. There is too _________ sugar in the sugar-basin. There are ___________ beaches on the south of England. There are ___________ beaches on the south of England. Have you got __________free time? Have you got __________free time? They have got _________ books in their home library. They have got _________ books in their home library. There is not __________ water in the bottle. There is not __________ water in the bottle. Do you visit _________ interesting places in London? Do you visit _________ interesting places in London? Урок 6. Закончите диалог, ответив на вопросы. Урок 6. Закончите диалог, ответив на вопросы. Did you stay in the city in summer? Did you stay in the city in summer? ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Abroad? Did you go to England? Abroad? Did you go to England? ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Did you stay in a hotel? Did you stay in a hotel? ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Did you travel in England? Did you travel in England? ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Was the weather good? Was the weather good? _____________________________________ _ _____________________________________ _
10 longthe longest fast faster interesting muchthe most more comfortable goodthe best expensivethe most expensive Урок 7. Заполните таблицу правильным вариантом степеней сравнения прилагательных.
11 Урок 8. Страноведение. Подчеркни правильный вариант: Урок 8. Страноведение. Подчеркни правильный вариант: Monument to Admiral Nelson. Monument to Admiral Nelson. is in the centre of Trafalgar Square is in the centre of Trafalgar Square is in front of the British Museum is in front of the British Museum is in the Oxford Street is in the Oxford Street The Tower of London. The Tower of London. is a museum now is a museum now is a prison now is a prison now is a royal palace is a royal palace The British Museum. The British Museum. has the oldest library has the oldest library has the oldest picture-gallery has the oldest picture-gallery has a lot of old coins and books has a lot of old coins and books St. Pauls Cathedral St. Pauls Cathedral is a famous church is a famous church is a famous museum is a famous museum is a famous theatre is a famous theatre The Buckingham Palace The Buckingham Palace is an old and beautiful church is an old and beautiful church is the Queens home place is the Queens home place is the biggest museum in London. is the biggest museum in London.
12 Урок 9. Составьте небольшой рассказ, используя картинку и лексику по теме «Путешествие». Урок 9. Составьте небольшой рассказ, используя картинку и лексику по теме «Путешествие». Do the beach Do the beach Make in a diary Make in a diary Leave the city Leave the city Go on the hotel Go on the hotel Write fun Write fun Play on a sandcastle Play on a sandcastle Swim in a trip Swim in a trip Stay in the sea Stay in the sea Have Have
13 ур заданий итоговой работы СРСР 1Не правильные глаголы. Прошедшее неопределенное время 12222ЕЗЕЗ 2Лексика по теме: Вопросительное Предложение в прошедшем времени ОВОВ 3Сравнение употребления Настоящего и Про шедшего времен.Диалоги 2122 ЫЕЫЕ 4Лексика по теме: Употребление артикля с географическими названиями 21 5Специальные вопросы в прошедшем времени 11223Р 6Формирование навыков монологической речи. Пересказ 2311А 7Употребление слов обозначающих количество 23Б 8Лексика по теме: названия достопримеча тельностей Лондона 211 О 9Употребление степени сравнения прилага- тельных 21Т 10Повторение пройденного материала213Ы Таблица взаимосвязи
15 Карта результативности
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