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Презентация была опубликована 12 лет назад пользователемicp.org.ua
1 Development of Centralized Water Supply System in Velykoploske Village Presentation prepared under DEFRA funded Replicable Methods of Improvement of Rural Water Supplies and Sanitation Project
2 Velykoploske Village: Number of households – Population – Annual budget – UAH Number of artesian wells – 5 Water quality in artesian wells meets standards Potable Water. Water pollution in household wells: nitrate concentration exceeds statutory levels 35 times. Number of children having had hepatitis – over 40.
3 Problems related to inadequate potable water : High morbidity rate among children; Vegetable pollution as a result of using poor quality water for sprinkling vegetable gardens.
4 Reasons of water pollution in household wells : Pollution of ground water with effluent from places where manure has been stored since the village foundation; Pollution of ground water with effluent from sinkholes (toilets); Wells are located close to manure storage and/or toilets (own and neighbours).
5 Velykoploske Village Working Group : 1.Orlov V.К. – Village Council Head 2.Katrichko N.М. – Head of Monolit Ltd. 3.Shyshkin N.N. – Head of Topaz Ltd. 4.Kuzminskiy Y.N. – Head of Agrosoyuz Ltd. 5.Privalov G.М. – Head of Rassvet Agricultural Production Co- operative 6.Yezhdin I.А. – Head of Agrotechnika Ltd. 7.Kudelin К.I. – Kristal Ltd. 8.Podvysotskaya Т.N. – Programme Manager 9.Shvets А.М. – Project Co-ordinator from Velykomikhaylovsky rayon 10.Dolgikh N.P. – Project Co-ordinator
6 Velykoploske Working Group Members
7 What was planned to do for developing centralized water supply system : Carry out chemical and bacteriological analysis of water in wells and boreholes; Prepare and carry out awareness campaign aimed at population involvement; Prepare a business plan for the municipal enterprise development; Develop software and water user database to ensure efficient operation of the enterprise; Develop and deliver training for the municipal enterprise staff; Carry out work on reconstruction of artesian wells, water-pipe laying, and water user connection; Develop a plan of reducing ground water pollution.
8 What was done to develop a centralized water supply system : carried out chemical and bacteriological analysis of water in artesian wells and household wells ; carried out information campaign among community members and representatives of business and local authorities; relevant equipment purchased for the enterprise; the borehole restored; 7,5 км water-pipe laid through the village; 70 houses connected to the water-pipe; Software developed and staff trained for the communal enterprise; UAH 25 thousand raised from local enterprises.
9 What should be done to ensure water supply system operation : connect all village households to the water-pipe within one year; restore five artesian wells and connect them to the water supply system; equip the municipal enterprise with a tractor and a trailer; raise funds from the village dwellers for laying the water-pipe and connecting water users to it; start manure removal from farmsteads in order to reduce ground water pollution; raise awareness among village residents about health risks associated with the use of polluted drinking water.
10 Thank you for attention!
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