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Презентация была опубликована 2 года назад пользователемМейржан Бахытжанов
1 Environmental problems of the world GARBAGE.
2 TYPES OF GARBAGE: 1. household garbage 2. industrial waste 3. space debris
3 Нousehold waste Household waste is goods and objects that have fallen into disrepair and lost their consumer properties as a result of daily human activities. Нousehold garbage is conditionally divided into: a) biological waste. b) household waste.
4 Industrial waste Industrial waste-is the remnants of raw materials, semi-finished products formed during the production of products and work that have completely or partially lost their original consumer properties. Production waste includes host and overburden rocks formed during the extraction of minerals, by-products and by-products, agricultural waste.
5 Space debris Space debris refers to all artificial objects and their fragments in space that are already faulty, do not function and will never again be able to serve any useful purposes, but are a dangerous factor affecting functioning spacecraft, especially manned ones. In some cases, space debris objects that are large or contain dangerous (nuclear, toxic) materials on board may pose a direct danger to the Earth with their uncontrolled descent from orbit, incomplete combustion during passage of dense layers of the Earth's atmosphere and debris falling on settlements, industrial facilities and transport communications.
7 Thank you for your attention!
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