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1 FRENCH POLICE Job completed:cadet 002 of the training group Fedorova A.A.
2 In France, as in many other countries, it is the duty of the State to protect citizens and their property, to maintain order and to ensure the rule of law. In particular, in France, these tasks are carried out by two centralized departments the National Police and the Gendarmerie. They have the same powers, but they are subordinate to different ministries.
3 HISTORY OF THE FRENCH POLICE The emergence of the criminal police in France dates back to the time of Napoleon. Before that, its functions were not to stop criminal crimes and not to solve them, but to monitor, spy on and arrest political opponents of the kings. Even after the appearance of the police prefecture itself, Paris remained a place of "fishing" for numerous thieves and robbers. Only in 1810, when a lot of crimes were committed in Paris, the criminal French police, which then bore the name of Surtay (translated as "security")
4 POLICE FUNCTIONS The National Police of France is subordinate to the Ministry of the Interior and works mainly in cities with a population of more than 16 thousand people. The main function of the National Police is to observe the rule of law. It performs the following tasks: security work (road control, patrolling, identity cards); investigative and investigative work under the supervision of the judicial authorities (conducting searches on warrants, other investigative tasks).
5 The French gendarmerie is subordinate to the Ministry of Defense. It is considered a paramilitary body necessary to maintain the security of society. It, like the police, protects citizens and their property. The gendarmerie performs its work in small towns and rural areas. In addition to the function of maintaining law and order, the gendarmerie performs other additional duties for the armed protection of the nation. Like the National Police, the Gendarmerie is involved in investigative activities.
6 FRENCH POLICE UNIFORM The everyday uniform of the French police officer is designed to distinguish the representative of the law among the masses. It is not flashy, has a blue color and police stripes. As for the dress uniform, the French gendarmerie has very festive and bright outfits. Initially, this body was a kind of mounted police, so these roots can be traced in the appearance of the gendarmes. The dark blue uniform has bright red swirls, and the white belt is perfectly combined with the shoulder straps. As you can see, the dress uniform of the French police is made up of the colors of the national flag of the country, which emphasizes the patriotic character of the unit. The headdress in the form of a cylindrical cap creates a more spectacular look. Blue trousers with stripes tucked into the boots. For more than 20 years, the dress uniform of the gendarmes has not changed.
7 POLICE AND GENDARMERIE: DIFFERENCES AND FEATURES Gendarmes are military men. The phrase gens d'armes is translated from French as "people with weapons". In France, the gendarmerie is part of the armed forces and is subordinate to the Ministry of Defense. That is, they are military personnel performing police tasks. In addition, the gendarmes are assigned duties related to the armed defense of the country. The police is a civilian formation subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It ensures public order
8 POLICE ACTIVITIES UNDER THREAT Unfortunately, there have been a series of terrorist attacks in France in recent years. These terrible events claimed the lives of many people. However, if not for the activities of the valiant French police, the victims could have been even more. The police searched for the perpetrators of the terrorist attacks, and also carried out work together with the gendarmerie to protect the country's population from new incidents. According to the French press, law enforcement agencies have recently increased the level of protection at railway facilities, saying that attackers are preparing to focus on this infrastructure. The French police also pay special attention to schools and educational institutions where the risk of a terrorist attack is quite high. The example of law enforcement agencies in France was followed by other European countries. The prevention of terrorist acts is currently a top national security priority.
9 At present, all the State police forces of France operate under the Law "On the Organization of the National Police" of July 9, It is a strictly centralized system, consisting of the national security agencies, the Paris police and the Seine Department, and the national gendarmerie, led by the Defense Ministry of the State. The Ministry of Internal Affairs, which is responsible for the protection of public order, the fight against crime, as well as ensuring State security, provides general guidance in ensuring police activities.
10 Thanks for the attention!
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