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Презентация была опубликована 2 года назад пользователемShohruz Shodiyev
1 Methods of Teaching
2 Method In the definitions of this term, Websters Third New International Dictionary often uses expressions such as a procedure or process for attaining a goal or a systematic procedure, technique or a set of rules very often related to a science or art. Hunkis claims that methods have definite steps or stages and sub-behaviours that are recurrent and applicable to various subject matters. For our purposes we can consider the method to be a well staged procedure to teach new language.
3 METHODOLOGY According to Websters Third New International Dictionary, methodology is a body of methods, procedures, working concepts, rules and postulates employed in the solution of a problem or in doing something we can say that methodology, or teaching in this sense, is a set of methods based on the same rules and having a common aim, e.g. to encourage students to use the language, involve the students in the lesson, or explain the language to students who have to listen attentively.
4 - Accelerated Language Learning
5 Suggestopedia is a set of learning recommendations used to optimize learning. In theory of language and learning, Suggestopedia is a teaching and learning method by which a language is learned as "the material" based on suggestion.
6 The main objective of this foreign language teaching method is to deliver advanced conversational proficiency quickly.
7 Lessons using Suggestopedia as a foreign teaching method involves: translating texts into the learners native language; explaining grammar structures explicitly; practicing in an imitative way through role plays.
8 Communicative Approach The Communicative approach or the Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) emphasises the importance of language functions rather than focuses on grammar and vocabulary. The main principle of CLT is to train students to use language forms appropriately a variety of contexts for a variety of purposes (Harmer, 2001, 84). The top ten principles of CLT are communicative interaction, meaningful practice, active involvement, positive reinforcement of suitable materials, changes of pace and activity, making the teaching process enjoyable, teaching English in English, realisation that mistakes are natural and that even beginners can understand when taught in the target language.
9 ACTIVITIES Activities in CLT involve students in real and realistic communication, where the accuracy of the language is less important than successful achievement of the communicative purpose. Therefore, such activities as role-play and simulation are very popular in CLT. All activities in CLT have to be constructed in such a way that students should have a desire to communicate something.
10 Key Principles of CLT The key principles of effective CLT that teachers have to take into consideration are as follows: be aware of students needs, develop learner independence, be a facilitator rather than a controller, motivate your students by verbal encouragement (praising, good mark, awards, body language), use variety of activities, and encourage students active involvement.
11 Modes of Interaction Active involvement can be achieved by a variety of means such as varied modes of interaction, changes of activity, changes of pace, changes of intensity, changes of mood/atmosphere, changes of beginnings and endings, balanced use of settlers and stirrers, balancing the familiar and the unfamiliar, presence and absence of correction, varying the modes of correction, offering positive reinforcement in varied ways, and employing principled use of elicitation and nomination.
12 Principles of Eclectic Method Eclectic method contains the following principles : - 1- Giving teachers a chance to choose different kinds of teaching techniques in each class period to reach the aims of the lesson. 2- Flexibility in choosing any aspect or method that teachers think suitable for teaching inside the classroom. 3- Giving a chance to pupils to see different kinds of teaching techniques that break monotony and dull,on one hand, and ensure better understanding for the material, on the other hand. 4- Solving difficulties concerning presenting the language material in the pupil's textbook. 5- Using different kinds of teaching aids which leads to better understanding, and 6- Saving a lot of time and effort in presenting language activities.
13 WEAKNESSES OF ECLECTICISM Brown.D (1994:74) gives some of the weak points of eclecticism as follows: 1- Teaching English by eclecticism urged that practical eclecticism does not meet the criterion of efficiency. 2- Theoretical eclecticism is suspicious on logical and theoretical grounds. 3- The fault of eclecticism in language teaching lies in that attempts to make a kind of all-purpose language teaching out of existing methods and to persuade that eclecticism is the only right idea in foreign language teaching methodology. 4- Without principles eclecticism is likely to fall into a state of arbitrariness.
14 CONCLUSIONS Among the modern methodology principles, we can highlight the student-centered interaction which is connected to the involvement of the students in everything going on during the lesson. This shifts the teachers role to not causing the learning, but helping learning to happen. The teachers task is to choose activities suitable for their learner to guide them in the lessons and to encourage them to experiment with the language. The modern methodology comprises a rich variety of methods which should have some common features: activities involving students and close to the real-life situations. To be effective, the methods follow after each other in a suitable order, and there should be a balance of teaching focused on different aspects of the language.
15 Methods are plenty! Decide your own as well and attract the enthusiastic participants in the class.
16 Thank you for your attention!
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