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Презентация была опубликована 2 года назад пользователемЕрлан Акшолак
1 Block-scheme on the theme: Teaching methodology A.B. E.C. MFLTPedagogyPsychologyPhysiologyLinguistics AIMS OF TFL Practical Educatio nal Cultural CONTENT OF FLT 1 COMPONENT HABITS SKILLS 2 COMPONENT LINGUISTIC Language material Linguistic material 3 COMPONENT METHODOLOGI CAL PRINCI PLES OF FLT SCIENTI FIC APPROA CH ACCESSI BILITY DURABI LITY CONSIO US APPROA CH PRIBCIP LE OF ACTIVIT Y VISUALI ZATION INDIVID UALIZA TION D. HUMANISTIC APPROACHES COMMUNICA TIVE APPROACHES NATURAL APPROACH ORAL APPROAC H APPROA CHES METHODS GTM DIRECT AUDIO LINGUAL SYLLABUS GRAM MATIC AL LEXIC AL GRAM MATIC AL- LEXIC AL SITUAT IONAL TOPIC- BASED FUNCT IONAL MIXED PROCE DURAL PROCE SS 1 framework 2 syllabus 3 ready-made texts and tasks 4 economy 5 convenience 6 Guidance 7 autonomy Educational technology comput ers books Overhe ad project ors Video equipm ent Audio equipm ent Posters, pictures games How necessary is a coursebook? Educational technology and other teaching equipment Syllabus and Coursebook Different types and characteristics of syllabus Favor of using a coursebook Approaches, Methods and Techniques The notion of MFLT explained by lecturer Aims of TFL Content of TFLPrinciples of TFL The use of different methods and techniques during FLE The utilization of syllabuses and course- books to refine language learning Motivate students by using educational technology and other teaching equipments Relations between MFLT and other sciences Develop mental aims and upbringin g aims The types of course books in foreign language education And others
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