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1 All About Canada by N.Valijonova
2 Do you know that Canada is the worlds second largest country? If we measure each country by its total land area, Canada place second to Russia. Interesting isnt it? And as a very large country, Canada shares border with the United States of America. What do you think is the capital city of Canada?
3 You may have guessed Toronto, but Ottawa is the countrys capital. Its just that most people mistakenly consider Toronto as the main city because it holds the largest population in the entire country. Toronto is sometimes called Canadas commercial capital. That just means it is a very popular city for business! Just remember, the capital of Canada is Ottawa!
4 Canada is one of the worlds top destinations for tourists and businessmen. Its leading tourist attraction is the Niagara Falls. Niagara Falls is the name for 3 waterfalls that straddle the border of Canada and the United States in New York.
5 Lets move on to the world of sports! What do you think is the national sport of Canada? Do you know? Well, the country has two national sports. They are Lacrosse and Hockey. Interesting enough, the country has about 2800 hockey rinks, as ice hockey is mostly practiced by kids over 15 years of age.
6 Instead of hockey, many Canadian children enjoy playing soccer. With the dynamic sports that both younger and older generations play, its no wonder that the average life expectancy in the country is 81 years. Canada is a beautiful place to live!
7 Lets take a look at some of Canadas provinces. Canada is very large in size. The country is divided into 10 smaller provinces, and 3 territories. British Columbia is known for its beautiful beaches and mountains. The capital city of British Columbia is Victoria. This province is located farthest west and borders the Pacific Ocean.
8 Quebec is Canadas largest province. The capital city is Quebec City. Quebec is the only French speaking province in Canada. The snowy owl is the official bird of this province.
9 Quebec City is also famous for its Old Town featuring classic Frontenac castle buildings from 18 th century. If youre fond of outdoor sports, then youll definitely love visiting the city of Vancouver!
10 Nunavut is one of the largest and newest territories of Canada. Nunavut used to be part of the Northwest Territories, but it split in The primary language of this territory is Inuktitut, which is the native language of the Inuit Eskimo people.
11 Some famous symbols of Canada include the Canadian flag, the beaver, the maple leaf and the loon.
18 Canada has a one dollar coin that is called a loonie. What Canadian symbol do you think appears on the coin?
19 True or False? Canada is the largest country in the world? FALSE. Russia is the largest. Canada is the 2 nd largest country in the world? Toronto is the capital of Canada. FALSE. Ottawa is the capital of Canada. The language of Quebec is French. TRUE. Quebec is a French speaking province. Canada is divided into 50 states. FALSE. Canada is divided into 10 different provinces and 3 territories.
20 Do you remember? Name two other symbols of Canada, besides the loon and maple leaf. Beavers, snowy owls, hockey, Niagara Falls, moose and many more! What symbol is on the Canadian flag? A $1 Canadian coin that has a picture of a loon the face of the coin. What is a loonie? A red maple leaf!
21 T h a n k s f o r y o u r a t t e n t i o n ! ! ! w i t h r e s p e c t N i l u f a r
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