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Презентация была опубликована 6 лет назад пользователемМария Кирильчук
2 First Grade Visits… Washington, D.C.
3 Where Is Washington, D.C.?
4 capital of the United States founded on July 16, 1790.United States Washington, D.C. Вашингтон Д.С. – столиця США, заснована 16 липня 1790 р.
5 Flag of Washington, D.C. (District of Columbia )
6 It is located on the north bank of the Potomac River Potomac River It is located on the north bank of the Potomac River Potomac River Це місто розташоване на північному березі річки Потомак
7 Населення столиці 5,4 млн. Є восьмим по величині метрополітеном країни. ä Washington, D.C. has a population of 5.4 million, is eighth-largest metropolitan area in the country. eighth-largest metropolitan area eighth-largest metropolitan area
8 ä Federal government is located in the capital, there are many nation's monuments and museums The International Monetary Fund
9 President Barack Obama the 44th President of the United States on November 4, 2008,
10 The White House This is the White House. President Bush lives here.
11 White House at night Overhead view of the White House grounds
12 This House is Big There are six floors, 132 rooms, 35 bathrooms, 147 windows, 412 doors, 12 chimneys, 8 staircases, and 3 elevators.
13 Lots of Room to Play Blue Room Red Room Green Room
16 Lets All Read The White House is full of books. Cross Hall, connecting the State Dining Room
17 White House on Reverse of US $20 bill. In God we trust
19 Washington D.C. is full of history and has plenty of monuments to see and explore. Here are just a few of the most popular sites to visit. See the Monuments
20 The Capitol Building Here is the United States Capitol. This is where laws are created, passed, and revised.
21 Lincoln Memorial This is the outside view of the Lincoln Memorial. It is a tribute to the 16th President. This is what you see on the inside. This is a huge statue of President Lincoln.
22 The United States Congress
24 The Vietnam Veterans Memorial is a national memorial in Washington, D.C. It honors U.S. service members of the U.S. armed forces who fought in the Vietnam War
25 Washington National Cathedral
26 Washington Monument This structure was named after our first president, George Washington. It stands 555 feet high and is one of the tallest monuments in the world.
27 Washington D.C. Offers a Lot With all the exciting activities available in Washington D.C., you are sure to learn something new and take a piece of history with you where ever you go.
28 Time to answer question
29 Answer the question (Дайте відповіді на запитання) 1. Чому столиця США називається Вашингтон Д.С? 2. На березі якої річки розташована столиця США? 3. Скільки людей проживає в столиці США? 4. Де проживає президент США? 5. Скільки поверхів налічує Білий Дім? 6. Які визначні пам'ятки Вашингтону ви знаєте?
30 Matching (співставте зображення та їх назви) 1. Washington National Cathedral 2. The United States Congress 3. Flag of Washington, D.C. 4. President Barack Obama 5. The Wall 6. The White House
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