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Презентация была опубликована 6 лет назад пользователемБагдат Оразхан
1 Margaret Thatcher
2 71th Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (UK Conservative Party) in the years , the Baroness in The first and only woman to be present at this post, and the first woman to become prime minister of a European state.
3 As head of government, Thatcher held political and economic reforms to undo what she considered the decline of the country. Her political philosophy and economic policies based on deregulation, particularly of the financial system, ensuring a flexible labor market, privatization of state- owned companies and reducing the influence of trade unions. Thatcher's high popularity during the early years of her reign, decreased due to the recession and high unemployment, but increased again during the Falklands War in 1982, and economic growth, which led to her re-election in Thatcher was re-elected for a third time in 1987 Thatcher is a life member of the House of Lords.
4 Thatcher became a member of the Privy Council of Great Britain. She received the Order of Merit. Simultaneously Denis Thatcher became the owner of an inherited title - baronet. In 1992, Thatcher became a peer of the House of Lords by assigning personal nobility with the title of Baroness Kestivena in Lincolnshire and arms. In 1995, she was appointed by Elizabeth II of the Most Noble Order of the Garter lady. In 1983, Margaret Thatcher was elected to the Royal Society of London, and after the leader of the Conservative Party, became the first female full member of the Carleton Club. In the Falkland Islands since 1992, every year on January 10 the Day of Margaret Thatcher in memory of her visit to the islands in Thatcher has been awarded the Republican Senatorial Medal of Freedom, as well as one of the two top U.S. award for civilians. In addition, she was awarded the Prime Freedom Ronald Reagan. In 1998, Thatcher was made an honorary citizen of Zagreb. Was a member of the Bilderberg Club.
5 Godbye
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