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Презентация была опубликована 6 лет назад пользователемДанагуль Жексенова
1 Normal atmospheric pressure 760 mm Hg. Art. Or Pa.
2 Blood pressure-when the barometric pressure drops, so does your blood pressure. For some, this might mean a feeling of dizziness blurred vision Headaches- low barometric pressure can cause headaches or migraines by creating a pressure difference between the atmosphere and the air- filled sinuses. The problem is exacerbated when the sinuses are congested or blocked for any reason Joint pain- barometric pressure affects the viscosity of the fluid that lines joint sacs, or it could be that it triggers the pain responses in the nerve endings of the joint. Blood sugar - drops in barometric pressure could affect the effectiveness of your insulin pump. And blood viscosity, or thickness, increases, making it more difficult to keep blood sugar at stable levels
3 Low blood pressure low parcial pressure of oxygen in the blood. It leads to Hypoxia- Cerebral cells, heart, vessels, respiratory organs suffer from lack of oxygen. increased heart rate enhance breathing dyspnea
4 Mountain sickness Dyspnea, attacks of suffocation, headache, dizziness, impaired coordination of movements, nausea, changes in vision, smell, taste may occur. With deeper hypoxia, cardiac dysfunctions are noted: tachycardia, pulsation of arteries (carotid, temporal), ECG changes. The motor and secretory functions of the gastrointestinal tract are disrupted Manifestations of mountain sickness decrease as a result of a long stay at altitude, an addiction to the mountain climate, or, otherwise, acclimatization.
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