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Презентация была опубликована 6 лет назад пользователеммаксим егоров
1 The student of the AM-3-52 group has prepared Egorov Max
2 Fuel the substance or mix of substances capable to exothermic chemical reactions with the external or contained in the fuel oxidizer applied to allocation of energy, initially thermal.
3 The fuel which isn't containing oxidizer in the structure often call fuel. A concept of fuel more general, than a combustible or combustible mineral because includes wood and various fuel mixes. In a broad sense one of types of potential energy, the energy carrier. Chemical or nuclear energy of fuel is transferred to different types of energy, and most often through transformation of heat generated at reactions by heat engines.
4 We will consider fuel for a car for example Gasoline gas mixture of light hydrocarbons with a temperature of boiling from +33 to 205 °C (depending on impurity). Density is about 0,71 g/cm ³. Calorific ability about kcal/kg (46 MDzh/kg, 32,7 MDzh/litre). Freezing temperature 72 °C in case of use of special additives. Gasolines are used as motor fuel and raw materials in industrial organic synthesis.
5 At the end of the 19th century his use as antiseptic and fuel for kerosene stoves was the only way of use of gasoline (use of kerosene as fuel for kerosene stoves has been strictly forbidden in view of fire danger, the kerosene boiling temperature was for this purpose limited from below). Generally from oil drove away only kerosene, and utilized all the rest. After emergence of the internal combustion engine working on Otto's cycle, gasoline became one of the main products of oil processing. However in process of distribution of diesel engines diesel fuel, thanks to higher efficiency began to come to the forefront. Gasoline is applied as fuel to carburetor and injector engines, high-pulse rocket fuel (Xingting), by production of paraffin as solvent [5], as combustible material, raw materials for petrochemistry straight-run gasoline or the stable natural gasoline (SNG).
6 The standard on boiler fuel - GOST provides release of four of his brands: naval F-5 and F-12 fuel oil which is classified by viscosity as light fuels, furnace fuel oil of brand 40 - as an average and brand heavy fuel. Figures specify approximate viscosity of the corresponding brands of fuel oil at 50 °C. Oven fuel dark is run from diesel fractions of direct distillation and secondary origin - distillates of thermal, catalytic cracking and coking. On fractional structure oven fuel can be slightly heavier than diesel fuel in accordance with GOST (to 360 C about 90 percent instead of 96 percent, viscosity of oven fuel up to 8,0 mm2 / with are overtaken at 20 C against 3,0-6,0 mm2 / from diesel).
7 Kinds of gasoline Automobile gasolines In Russia automobile gasolines are produced in accordance with GOST , GOST P and GOST P and also on TU AI 92,95 Gasoline (Alternative). Automobile gasolines are subdivided on summer and winter (winter gasolines contain more the low-boiling hydrocarbons). Main brands of the GOST P automobile gasolines: Normal-80 (AI-80) with octane number by a research method not less than 80; Regulyar-92 (AI-92) with octane number by a research method not less than 92; Premium-95 (AI-95) with octane number by a research method not less than 95; Super-95 + (AI-95+) with octane number by a research method not less than 95 with additives; Ekstra-98 (AI-98) with octane number by a research method not less than 98 EKTO-100 [6] (AI-100 [7]) with octane number by a research method not less than 100
9 if to tell vooobshchy about fuel that food it too fuel word-play so to speak, divisions I have much described gasoline as for me often used from fuel...
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