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Презентация была опубликована 7 лет назад пользователемЛинара Мухамадиева
1 Bank employee
2 A bank employee is a fairly broad concept, which includes economists with different levels of knowledge and skills, from simple cashiers to managers.
3 More recently, bank employees were conservatively dressed, quiet men, who have higher education, and they are able to speak competently. Such employees immediately after graduating from high school came to work in a credit organization to work there all their lives and become a leader.
4 To date, such a stereotype is no longer relevant. Bank employees are mostly women, and among leaders they can be found much more often.
5 The profession of a bank employee assumes the availability of a variety of personal and professional qualities, without participation in the execution of works will not be effective.
6 The generally recognized important qualities: 1) perseverance; 2) steady attention; 3) analytical thinking; 4) self-control; 5) the tendency to scrupulousness in working with figures; 6) honesty;
7 7) accuracy; 8) exacting to oneself; 9) adherence to principles; 10) emotional stability; 11) good operational; 12) long-term memory
8 A bank employee must necessarily have an education - secondary vocational (college, technical school), higher (most often - economic), sometimes - two higher (relevant for managerial positions and managerial staff).
10 Advantages: High profit payment Good social package Career growth and professional development Reliability Prestige
11 The main disadvantages are: Monotonicity of functions Narrow specialization Difficulty of career growth
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