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1 Group Idrisov Ilyas Irekovich Kazan Federal University
2 Competition Competition- competition between market participants for the best conditions of production and purchase of goods The perfect (free) price is the result of balancing demand and supply Deficient Oligopoly dominance of several (3-5) large firms Monopolistic a large number of sellers offering similar but not identical goods
3 Types of competition
4 Competition in oil and gas industry Competition plays an important positive role; Competition helps to squeeze out inefficient enterprises from the economy, rational use of resources, prevents dictatorship of monopolists in relation to the consumer. Competition is the determining factor in the ordering of prices, the stimulus of innovation processes
5 Major oil producing countries of regulation
6 The increase in energy consumption in developing countries will be growing imports, including from Russia net import of energy resources for individual countries in , mlillion tone
7 Enhancing technological competition is a feature modern development of world energy Expenses for research and development work in the energy sector * in , $ billion (in 2011 prices) * For 28 member countries of the International Energy Agency (Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom and the United States).
8 Enhancing technological competition is a feature modern development of world energy Since the early 2000s, the scale of research and development work, conducted in the power industry, significantly increased. Currently developed countries spend annually on scientific research in energy about $ 20 billion Many developing countries, such as China, India, Brazil are also trying access to new technologies in the energy, and develop their own Russia has a significant accumulated technological potential in the field of of energy
9 Conclusions Key players in the oil and gas industry have different opportunities, market history, competitive advantages, assets, business management tools. These parties and opportunities should be fully used. At the same time, national companies, have the opportunity to expand access to the resource base, increase their competencies and increasingly becoming international; transnational corporations traditionally experienced in management large projects, focus on the largest and most complex projects and regions that require large investments, with risk elements. Among the service-technology companies, in our opinion, the maximum Prospects in the face of growing competition are those that make stake on technological leadership.
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