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Презентация была опубликована 7 лет назад пользователемКлавдия Окотэтто
5 abbigcdhigh ijeklmnopqr slargetuvwx yzuabsnowyc interesting dniceeufdgr hifjklnmene opuqlongeva woldxzycpbt
6 ( large ) We live in Russia. Russia is the ( large ) country in the world. When it is day in one place it is night in another.
7 Many people live in Russia (big) (small) Many people live in Russia. Most of them speak Russian. The people live in (big) cities, (small) towns and villages. The capital of Russia is Moscow (big) (beautiful) The capital of Russia is Moscow. It is one of the (big) cities in the world. Moscow is a very (beautiful) city.
8 riverslakes Volga (long) Lake Baikal (deep) There are a lot of rivers and lakes in Russia. The Volga is the (long) river in Europe. Lake Baikal is the (deep) lake on our planet.
9 (different) animals and birds A lot of (different) animals and birds live in the Russian forests, fields and mountains.
10 Russian national flag (wide) One of the main Russian symbols is the Russian national flag. Our flag has three (wide) stripes: red, blue and white. We love our country!
12 Russia is ….. country a в б the largest the smallest the highest
13 b c a The Volga is a … which runs into the … … powerful river …. Caspian Sea … cold river … Red Sea … dirty river …. Black Sea
14 The Baikal in Siberia is famous because it`s …. With fresh water. c a b the deepest lake the longest river the highest mountain
15 b a c The capital of Russia is…. Moscow St. Petersburg Volgograd
16 c a b The territories in the north of Rusia are very cold, they are famous for their….. low temperatures hot weather warm climate
17 c a b What is the ocean in the east of Russia? the Pacific ocean the Indian ocean the Arctic ocean
18 a c b Finish the proverb: East or …. - home is … ….West …..best … South … mouth … North …. both
19 The territories in the South of Russia enjoy … in winter. c a b warm weather hot climate low temperatures
23 What island did you like best of all? I liked … What task was difficult for you? Task was difficult for me because… And what was easy? Did you enjoy the flight? I enjoyed the flight I didn`t enjoy the flight
24 To the next flight: Choose the most interesting place of interest in Russia and tell us about it To the next flight: Choose the most interesting place of interest in Russia and tell us about it
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