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2 Outline: Introduction Executive Summary Background of the company Interesting facts about Google Conclusion
3 Introduction In this dynamic business world there are some business organizations who are consistently out coming there performance. These organizations are worldwide renowned for their goods and services. Among them I have chosen the Best Company Work For 2014, Google Inc as the topic to present a report on.
4 Executive summary: Google is an American multinational corporation specialized on internet related service and web based product such as search, communication and statistical tools. Google has become the mostly used search engine in the industry showing highly innovative product and software engineering capabilities. Google has cultivated a culture of innovation. Fortune Magazine and the Great Place to Work Institute named Google the 2014 Best Company Work For.
5 Background of the company History: Larry Page and Sergey Brin founded Google in September 1998,when they were both PhD students at Stanford University in Stanford, California. The domain name for Google was registered on September 15,1997 and the company was incorporated on Septemper 4,1998.Year by year Google expanded.
6 MISSION: The official mission statement of Google Inc. is "Google's mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful. VISION : Googles vision is to make search engines so powerful that people would find and understand every single thing in the world.
7 Form of business: Google is a corporation. It was firstly a private corporation. Then it was turned into a public corporation in Product and services offered: Software: Hardware:
8 Internet related service:
9 Interesting facts about Google Google wanted in 1997 to sell their search engine system to Yahoo for $ 2 million. The name Google was an accident.A spelling mistake made by the original founders who thought they were going for Googol. 99% of Google profit comes from its advertising.
10 57% of American kids say Google as their first word. 620 million visitors visit Google.com daily. Google processes 20 Petabyte of information daily.
11 Conclusion: Considering above we can say that Google is a mix of excellent marketing ideas, smart choices, great advisory and culture of innovation which make them a great provider of quality products and highlight them as a promising performer showing wide variety in the market. Google was not the first devise for searching or or advertisements. But its market leadership was due to the fact that it did all of those things better than others. So it can easily be estimated that, the strategy which Google Inc follows is leading it towards the pinnacle of success and helping it to be the most established player in ISP industry.
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