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2 Conan Doyle is most famous as the inventor of Sherlock Holmes, but he had a varied career as a writer, journalist and public figure. Arthur Conan Doyle was born on 22 May 1859 in Edinburgh into a prosperous Irish family. He trained as a doctor, gaining his degree from Edinburgh University in He worked as a surgeon on a whaling boat and also as a medical officer on a steamer travelling between Liverpool and West Africa. He then settled in Portsmouth on the English south coast and divided his time between medicine and writing. Sherlock Holmes made his first appearance in A Study of Scarlet, published in Its success encouraged Conan Doyle to write more stories involving Holmes. In addition, Conan Doyle wrote a number of other novels, including The Lost World and various non-fictional works. In later life he became very interested in spiritualism. Conan Doyle died of a heart attack on 7 July 1930.
3 Key. 2 b 1E 2C 3F 4A 5G 6B
4 Key 3a Endure Motionless Yelped Concealed Glittered Monstrous Gleam Ecstasy for
5 Complete. The dog was …… as it slept. The dog ….. when he trod on its tail. The door was …….. in the wall. The disco ball …… under the lights. The house was …….. and had 20 bedrooms. Stars ………….. at night. Eating chocolate cake is …… for John.
6 Key. Motionless Yelped Concealed Glittered Monstrous Gleam Ecstasy
7 Guess With a sense of victory Vertical An area of very wet land Wide Something you see Main stems of trees friends Triumphantly Upright Swamp Broad Sight Trunks comrades
8 Find synonyms for big Huge Enormous Monstrous Great large
9 Key ex.5 Human, dinosaurs Three-toed feet, five- fingered forepaws, tails, feet, skins, muscles, brain, heads, cheeks, face Birds, elephants, lizards, kangaroos, iguanas. Classes Parts of body Types
10 Homework Imagine you are a part of the expedition. Write a letter to a friend describing what you have seen.
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