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Презентация была опубликована 7 лет назад пользователемЕлена Оломская
1 VI Межрегиональный конкурс творческих работ учащихся и педагогов «Здоровая нация – процветание России» Конкурс презентаций на русском, английском, немецком, Номинация: французском языках «Игровые виды спорта. Футбол» Выполнила ученица 10 класса МОУ СОШ с. Калуга Фёдоровского района Саратовской области Оломская Ольга Руководитель: Оломская Елена Петровна
2 People all over the world are fond of sports and games. Sport makes people healthy, keeps them fit, more organized and better disciplined. It unites people of different classes and nationalities. Many people do sports on their personal initiative. They go in for skiing, skating, table tennis, swimming, volley- ball, football, etc.
3 Volleyball is a game in which two teams play on a court divided by a grid. This is a non-contact sport. At the site players have a specialization. They must have a good reaction, strength and perfect execution of the ball. Volleyball is a great way to entertain and relax Volleyball
4 Basketball is one of the most popular games on the planet. It is characterized by various movements, which contributes to improving the work of the entire body. For basketball, you need two teams that try to get into the basket more times than opponents. Basketball
5 Hockey is an interesting game where with the help of clubs the representatives of two teams try to score the puck into the opponent's goal. This is a bright spectacle with many fans. Hockey
6 Handball is a team game with a ball. In the process of the match, more balls should be thrown into the opponent's goal by hand. Prototypes of this game were known in ancient times. Mention of them is found in ancient works. Handball
7 Swimming is the overcoming of a certain distance by swimming for a minimum time. Swimming is part of some mnogobory. Rock paintings of antiquity testify to the fact that mankind has been engaged in swimming since ancient times. Swimming
8 A football match is called a team match. Today it is the most popular sport on Earth. A huge number of people play in it or are fans. According to the rules of the game, to win the match, you must score the ball into the opponent's gate more times than the other team. The game with the ball existed on different continents in ancient times. The homeland of modern football is considered England. Football
9 Football is the most popular game in the world, played in almost all countries. In football, play in a special field, where two teams compete. The football team consists of 11 players: the goalkeeper, defenders, midfielders and attackers. Each team has a captain, who is usually the best player. During the match, each team tries to score as many goals as possible. Players during the game are allowed to touch the ball only with their feet. Only the goalkeeper can catch the ball with his hands. Rules of the game of football
10 History of the appearance of football Despite being so popular today, football appeared hundreds years ago. It was played even by ancient people. However, football wasnt famous until mid-1900s. The modern version of the game came from England and became the most favourite one.
11 Development of football in Russia Today there are many football competitions and championships. Every year Europe houses FIFA Cup competitions and every four years – the World Cup. Football is also played in the Olympics. Anyway, football is loved by millions of people who watch games on TV, go to see them on stadiums and even play football with friends and peers during their leisure time.
12 To sum up, football is a great kind of sport loved by millions of people of different age and material wealth. When their team wins, they openly express their happiness, when it loses, they cry bitter tears. Football fans are driven by their addiction to the game. It is undisputable that enormous investments have transformed football into a big industry. But it only develops and popularizes the football movement.develops and popularizes
13 Thank you for attention!
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