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2 Literature is the art of written works. Literally translated, the word means "acquaintance with letters" (from Latin "littera" letter). In Western culture the most basic written literary types include fiction and non- fiction.
3 Литература (лат. lit(t)eratura, написанное, от lit(t)era буква) в широком смысле слова: совокупность любых письменных текстов. Чаще всего под литературой понимают художественную литературу, то есть литературу как вид искусства.
4 Epic poetry is a form of poetry. It is one of the main forms of poetry, with lyrics and drama. Epic poetry is usually very long, and takes place in different settings
5 Э́пос (др.-греч. πος «слово», «повествование») героическое повествование о прошлом, содержащее целостную картину народной жизни и представляющее в гармоническом единстве некий эпический мир героев.
7 Трагедия Жанр художественного произведения, основанный на развитии событий, приводящем к катастрофическому для персонажей исходу
8 In theatre, a tragedy is a play that ends badly for the hero or heroine or others. A tragedy is usually about a person who has many good qualities, but has one poor quality that causes trouble for him, and may cause him, or his family or friends, to be in trouble.
9 The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
10 Драма Один из трех основных родов литературы (наряду с эпосом и лирикой), представляющий собою произведения, построенные обычно в форме диалога и предназначенные для исполнения актерами на сцене.
11 Drama Drama is the specific mode of fiction represented in performance. The term comes from a Greek word meaning "action", which is derived from the verb meaning "to do" or "to act"
12 Oberon, Titania and Puck with Fairies Dancing. From William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream
13 КОМЕДИЯ вид драматургического произведения. Отображает все уродливое и нелепое, смешное и несуразное, высмеивает пороки общества Комедия
14 COMEDY - kind of dramatic works. Displays all ugly and ridiculous, ridiculous and absurd, ridicules vices of the society Comedy
15 Charlie Chaplin, a well-known comedian
16 ЛИРИЧЕСКОЕ СТИХОТВОРЕНИЕ вид художественной литературы, эмоционально и поэтически выражающий чувства автора
17 Lyric poems (prose) - a kind of fiction, emotionally and poetically expresses the author's feelings
19 Мелодрама вид драмы, действующие лица которой резко делятся на положительных и отрицательных.
20 Оноре Домье
21 STORY - average shape; work, which highlights a number of events in the life of the protagonist
22 Повесть средняя форма; произведение, в котором освещается ряд событий в жизни главного героя
23 Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Robinson Cruose
24 Here are the names of some famous British writers whose portraits are exhibited in the National Portrait Gallery.
25 Here are some more names of well-known British writers : William Shakespeare Daniel Defoe Walter Scott Robert Burns Lewis Carroll Charles Dickens Oscar Wilde
26 Charles Dickens Charles Dickens ( ) -an English novelist. His many famous books describe life in Vicktorian England and show how hard it was, especially for the poor and for children. They include : Oliver Tvist, David Copperfield.
27 ( ) - a Scottish writer and a poet, especially famous for his stories of Scottish life, several of them are based on historical characters, such as Ivanhoe and The Heart of Midlothian Walter Scott
28 ( ) -an English writer of plays,one of the most famous ever. Among the most famous of his plays are the tragedies of Romeo and Juliet, Julius Caesar, Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, the comedies of A Midsummer Nights Dream, The Merchant of Venice, and the historical plays Richard ııı and Henry V. He also wrote some very good poetry, especially the Sonnets, and worked as an actor at the Globe Theatre in London. William Shakespeare
29 ( ) -a Scottish poet who wrote hundred of songs and poems, mainly on country life,love,and national pride Robert Burns
30 ( ) - An English writer, whose most famous novels are Robinson Crusoe and Moll Flanders Daniel Defoe
31 ( ) -an English writer who wrote two well-known childrens stories, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. His real name was Charles Lutwidge Dodgson Lewis Carroll
32 ( ) -an Irish writer best known for his play The Importance of Being Earnest and his story The Picture of Dorian Gray. Many of the clever and funny things he said in conversations are still fam ous Oscar Wilde
33 Match the names of the writers and the countries they came from William Shakespeare Daniel Defoe Walter Scott Robert Burns Lewis Carroll Oscar Wilde England Scotland Ireland Charles Dickens
34 Match the names of the writers and the books they are famous for : William Shakespeare Daniel Defoe Walter Scott Robert Burns Lewis Carroll Oscar Wilde Charles Dickens David Copperfield The Heart of Midlothian Romeo and Juliet songs and poems Robinson Crusoe Alice's Adventures in Wonderland The Picture of Dorian Gray.
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