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Презентация была опубликована 7 лет назад пользователемКарлыгаш Шыныбекова
1 Hot and cold: Yes, he does/ No, he doesnt
2 1.R1 recognise, sound and name the letters of the alphabet. 1.L5 recognise the opinion of the speaker(s) with little or no support in extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics. 8.S2 ask more complex questions to get information about a range of general topics and some curricular topics.
3 Do you like apples? Do you like oranges? Do you like pear? Yes, I do No, I dont Do you like apples? Do you like oranges? Do you like pear? Yes, I do No, I dont
4 Find the word which doesnt belong to the group. 1. peach, pear, chicken, apple, banana 2. tail, cat, mouse, dog, rabbit 3. bird, airplane, kite, helicopter, bus 4. red, sun, green, purple, brown 5. cold, warm, dry, sky, cloudy 6. cat, dog, swim, donkey, monkey 7. swim, dance, play football, eat 8. breakfast, dinner, supper, eat, kitchen 9. blackboard, desk, chalk, computer
5 Сlean, but not water, White, but not snow, Sweet, but not ice-cream, What is it?
6 What is found over your head but under your hat?
7 I I am purple, yellow, red, and green The King cannot reach me and neither can the Queen. I show my colours after the rain And only when the sun comes out again
8 Look at my face and you see somebody What has a face but no head, and hands but no finger?
9 Бір нәрсе білмегенде білгізеді Өзіңді қарап тұрсаң күлгізіді Жайғанда әңгімесі сондай қызық Жаныңды, тыңдай білсең кіргізеді. кітап,книга,book
10 Example: take – cake, mother – another… Pie - … Phone - … Book - … Bad - … Cat - …
11 Tour. Countable/ Uncountable Divide these nouns into C and U car water air bottle apple bread tea dollar money lemon
12 Tour. Captains Competition She sells seashells on the seashore. A girl sees three big geese. Ill have a proper cup of coffee in a proper coffee cup. A good beginning makes a good ending.
13 Make up the right sentence football/ children/play/Kazakhstan/in/like/to. badminton/play/can/you? table/I/tennis/want/play/to games/what/sports/play/you/can/and? you/do/go/pool/swimming/the/to?
14 Thank you for your attentions! Good-bye!
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