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Презентация была опубликована 8 лет назад пользователемOksana Kereyeva
2 U NIVERSITIES OF K AZAKHSTAN - Total universities private - Number of students - more than Number of students on of population Number of university specialities 129 – bachelor master
3 P RESTIGIOUS UNIVERSITIES OF INTERNATIONAL LEVEL IN K AZAKHSTAN The flagship research university in Kazakhstan is Nazarbayev University.Nazarbayev University Two other prominent universities in Kazakhstan are al- Farabi Kazakh National University in Almaty and L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University located in Astana.Kazakhstanal- Farabi Kazakh National UniversityAlmatyL. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University
4 U NIVERSITIES OF RK Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби Казахский национальный аграрный университет Казахский национальный технический университет имени К.Сатпаева Казахская национальная академия искусств имени Т.К.Жургенова Казахский экономический университет имени Т.Рыскулова Казахский университет международных отношений и мировых языков имени Абылай хана Алматинский технологический университет Казахский национальный педагогический университет имени Абая Алматинский институт энергетики и связи Казахстанско-Британский технический университет
5 S AINT P ETERSBURG S TATE U NIVERSITY It is the oldest and one of the largest universities in Russia. It is made up of 24 specialized faculties and institutes, the Faculty of Military Studies, the Academic Gymnasium, the Medical College, the College of Physical culture and Sports, Economics and Technology and the Department of Physical Culture and Sports.
6 The university is Russia's oldest university, founded in 1724 by Peter the Great, which predates the foundation of Moscow State University in During the Soviet period, it was known as Leningrad State University. It was named after Andrei Zhdanov in 1948.Soviet periodAndrei Zhdanov The History of the University
7 Saint Petersburg State University is the second best multi- faculty university in Russia after Moscow State University. Moscow State University The university has a reputation for having educated the majority of Russia's political elite; these include presidents Vladimir Putin and Dimitry Medvedev, both of whom studied Law at the universityVladimir PutinDimitry Medvedev
8 At the present time, the Caspian State University of Technologies and Engineering named after Sh: 1) provides educational services in 37 undergraduate majors, 15 master specialties and 5 PhD specialties; 2) has three academic buildings, three dormitories, three training grounds, a sports complex with swimming pool; 3) teaching staff - more than 350 people, including 16 doctors of sciences and 169 candidates of sciences. Caspian state university of technologies and engineering named after S. Yesenov
9 H ISTORY OF THE U NIVERSITY opening of the general technical faculty of the VI Kazakh Polytechnic Institute Lenin (Lenin KazPTI) in the city of Shevchenko (now - the city of Aktau) Opening of Aktau Polytechnic Institute on the basis of Mangistau branch of the VI KazPTI Lenin.
10 А УДАРМАСЫ 1976 жыл – Шевченко ( қ азіргі – А қ тау) қ аласында В.И. Ленин атында ғ ы Қ аза қ политехникалы қ институтыны ң (В.И. Ленин атында ғ ы Қ азПТИ) жалпытехникалы қ факультетіні ң ашылуы год – открытие общетехнического факультета Казахского политехнического института имени В.И. Ленина (КазПТИ имени В.И. Ленина) в городе Шевченко (ныне – город Актау).
11 1993 жыл – В.И. Ленин атында ғ ы Қ азПТИ-ді ң Ма ңғ ыстау филиалы базасында А қ тау политехникалы қ институтыны ң ашылуы год – открытие Актауского политехнического института на базе Мангистауского филиала КазПТИ имени В.И. Ленина.
12 assignment of Aktau Polytechnic Institute named after Shahmardan Esenova renaming Aktau State University named after Sh in the Caspian State University of Technologies and Engineering named after Sh.
13 R ECTOR OF THE UNIVERSITY BOTABEKOV ADILBEK KOZHABEKOVICHWas born on November, 18th In 1982 he graduated from Moscow engineering construction institute named after V.V. Kuibyshev. since – the rector of Caspian state university of technologies and engineering named after S. Yesenov (CSUTE)
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