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1 Bimurza Janiya
3 A total of Sherlock Holmes appears in 56 stories and 4 novels by Arthur Conan Doyle. In most cases, the story is the name of a best friend and companion Holmes - Doctor Watson.
4 The first piece of the famous detective story " A Study in Scarlet", written by Arthur Conan Doyle in Latest collection, " Archives of Sherlock Holmes, "published in 1927
5 Conan Doyle himself believed stories about Holmes "pap" and did not share the enthusiasm of readers. Moreover, it was irritated that readers prefer to work on all other creatures Holmes writer, then as Conan Doyle considered himself primarily author of historical novels. In the end, Sir Arthur decided to stop the detective story, eliminating the popular literary character in a battle with Professor Moriarty("godfather" of the Russian mafia, as we would say now) at Reichenbach Falls.
6 Queen Victoria
7 Arthur Conan Doyle himself in his works never informed about the date of birth of Sherlock Holmes. Presumably his year of birth In the print version also appeared that Holmes was born in Version supposedly based on the biography of the doctor Joseph Bell, which Arthur Conan Doyle himself not once mentioned as a prototype of Sherlock Holmes, and the stories of the writer, Joseph Bell was his senior by nine years, that is his year of birth – 1850.
8 Admirers of Conan Doyle attempts to establish a more precise date of birth of Sherlock Holmes. In particular, it was suggested on the date of January 6. The date was calculated by some Nathan L. Bengisom by comparing the sketchy information from the works of Conan Doyle and astrological research. Date is quite common among the fans of the great detective, although generally not objectively confirmed.
9 About the family and ancestors of Sherlock Holmes, little is known. Ibid Holmes mentions that his grandmother was the sister of the French painter of battle scenesof Horace Vernet In some works operates brother of Sherlock Holmes, Mycroft Holmes, who is older than him for seven years and works in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
11 In 1881 Holmes met with Dr. John Watson.He, all аpparently, not rich, as a companion to look for joint removal apartment. Then they move on to Watson Baker Street, house b (221b Baker Street), where jointly remove apartment at Mrs. Hudson.
20 And at Holmes and at Watson there are personal revolvers. Holmes obviously good shoots of than says inparticular, the famous episode of story " Rite Musgrave where Holmes shoots on the wall monogram of Queen Victoria.
21 Holmes,being venerable gentleman, almost always walk s with cane. Described Watson as specialist in fencing, he twice uses its as weapons.
22 Watson describes Holmes as good boxer.
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