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Презентация была опубликована 8 лет назад пользователемТаня Собенникова
1 Performed by students of 8 "a" class of Lyceum No. 27 Sobennikova Tanya
2 With the beginning of the school year to all moms and dads of students added quite a lot of hassle. There are questions such as how to maintain the health of the child? What should be the proper nutrition of the student, not to decreased immunity? Food should be given to a student, to have strength to study? This problem is unfortunately very relevant today!
3 School meals Day mode students, enough must be rich and dynamic. They always something to learn, read, draw, play sports and so on. And such classes of schoolchildren are happening every day, for five consecutive days. Parents to maintain wonderful health of their children can provide adequate nutrition.
6 Menu for student At the age of seven to seventeen years of age, children are actively developing both mentally and physically. Therefore, they need proper nutrition to develop normally in the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular and nervous system. Children should receive sufficient amount of all vitamins and minerals, which formed the children's health.
7 Breakfast First, it needs to be rich in vitamins, and secondly, easily digestible. No fried foods and smoked meats, or keep them to a minimum. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Because it charges the body with the necessary energy for the whole day, stimulates mental activity and brain activity. Breakfast should include rich products, but not heavy and without unnecessary fat. Breakfast student can offer: 1. Whole grains, which contain vitamins a, D and group B. These vitamins help the child be more healthy, resistant to the nervous strain. The cereals contain starch that is slowly degradable. So the child gets the energy gradually, which have a great impact on his vitality, throughout the day. 2. A very important and growing body calcium. It is found in dairy products. So if a child in the morning, drink a bit of kefir or milk, eat a few spoonfuls of cottage cheese with honey, natural yoghurt or cheese, it will be loaded with calcium for the whole day. But remember that it can only be learned with vitamin A, C and D. 3. To obtain the necessary amount of fiber a child should have a muffin. It promotes better digestion and blood circulation. Ask your child to take to school bagel that you can eat at the break after the first or second lesson as a second Breakfast.
9 Lunch For lunch, the student should have high-calorie foods. After all, learning and thinking, children lose a lot of energy. Students at lunch can be offered: 1. Hot liquid meals, which stimulate gastric juices and thus help the body better digest and assimilate food. For example, the student can have lunch milk soup or meat broth. 2. For high physical and mental capacity children should eat fish and meat. Of these products you can prepare delicious burgers. You can also prepare boiled fish or chicken and serve it with steamed or fresh vegetables. 3. The berries contain a lot of glucose and vitamin C. the berries can be cooked jelly, compote or the delicious broth.
11 Dinner Supper to school-age children shall, not later than two hours before bedtime. This dish for dinner should prepare the lungs. Before going to sleep is to drink herbal broth or a Cup of yogurt, or eat sour cream with sugar. Some kids don't like yogurt or sour cream, you can replace the melted milk. The reason is in the fact that the yogurt or sour cream out of the fridge, and they are nasty because of their temperature. Children do not realize it, but they are uncomfortable, and produced a dislike. Try to hold yogurt in a saucepan of warm water. Perhaps after this he will drink willingly. Fresh juices, fruits and vegetables should be your helpers in the process of fortification of the child's body. Just be sure to follow the purity of fruit. Today you can find in the sale of special devices, – frontoviki, which clean the fruit, vegetables and berries, not only water, but also ozone. Because at night the body also rests and secretes less gastric juice. And with a full stomach sleep will be disturbing. So for dinner would be wonderful vegetables and fruits. In vegetables include vitamin a, which is responsible for vision and folic acid is responsible for enabling the growth and wonderful digestion. Schoolboy vegetables can be offered in the form of vegetable stew or vegetable salads. The fruit contains many vitamins and fiber, which help to strengthen immunity. From fruits you can cook a casserole. In addition to her let the child eat fresh fruit, perfect bananas, apples or pears. Here is should be the right nutrition student, where we have compiled a sample menu. If we follow these tips, then our children will develop well and grow to the delight of all.
13 Thank you for your attention!!!
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