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Презентация была опубликована 9 лет назад пользователемСтас Яровой
1 Project presentation Челябинск
2 Челябинск The Heart Of The Southern Urals
3 Business card of the city The city of Chelyabinsk - an important economic, cultural and scientific center of the Russian Federation, a major transport hub Located on the Eastern slope of the southern Urals, on the banks of the river Miass (Ob basin),
4 Geographical location The Chelyabinsk center of the Chelyabinsk region. Area km In the North it borders with the Sverdlovsk region, in the West, Bashkortostan in the South-with Kazakhstan, in the East with the Kurgan region.
5 Relief Elevated plains of the TRANS- Ural peneplain pass into the West Siberian lowland. The altitude of meters
6 Climate Climate is continental. Winters are cold, long. The average January temperature from -15 C in the North-West: up to 17 C in the South-East. Summers are warm, in the South-East roast. The average July temperature is +16 in the North-West and +18 C in the South-East.
7 River of Miass
8 Natural areas The Chelyabinsk City pine forest is a relict natural monument. Green plume surrounding the city, naturally included in its structure, reaching almost to the Central part. The main green areas are interconnected by a system of alleys, parks and squares.
9 Population of Челябинск
10 Ethnic composition
11 Economy
12 South Ural State University
13 ZzZoo
14 1. w w w w w wwww wwww.... cccc hhhh eeee llll.... ssss uuuu //// rrrr uuuu ssss //// rrrr eeee gggg aaaa dddd mmmm nnnn dddd eeee xxxx.... hhhh tttt mmmm2. w w w w w wwww wwww.... uuuu rrrr cccc.... aaaa cccc.... rrrr uuuu //// cccc hhhh eeee llll yyyy aaaa bbbb iiii nnnn ssss kkkk //// cccc iiii tttt yyyy //// cccc llll iiii cccc kkkk tttt aaaa pppp //// hhhh tttt mmmm llll3. w w w w w wwww wwww.... aaaa llll eeee xxxx eeee yyyy ssss mmmm iiii rrrr nnnn oooo vvvv.... cccc oooo mmmm //// pppp hhhh oooo tttt oooo //// cccc hhhh eeee llll 3333 //// iiii nnnn dddd eeee xxxx.... hhhh tttt mmmm llll4. w w w w w wwww wwww.... uuuu nnnn iiii llll iiii bbbb.... cccc hhhh eeee llll.... ssss uuuu //// eeee llll ____ iiii zzzz dddd aaaa nnnn //// kkkk aaaa llll eeee nnnn dddd aaaa rrrr //// cccc hhhh eeee llll iiii aaaa bbbb.... hhhh tttt mmmm5. w w w w w wwww wwww.... mmmm iiii gggg rrrr aaaa nnnn tttt.... ssss oooo bbbb kkkk oooo rrrr. ru/pereselen/chel/ Literature
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