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Презентация была опубликована 9 лет назад пользователемjaniya duisenbekova
1 Improving You Memory
2 Introduction Has anyone ever had trouble remembering someones name or forgot where you put something? I will be sharing with you: How memory works Some techniques for improving you memory
3 How Memory Works
4 Understanding the Components of memory 3 components of memory: 1. Sensory memory 2. Working memory 3. Long-term memory Source: Improving Your Memory (2005) by Janet Fogler and Lynn Stern pp6-10
5 How We Remember: Encoding Encoding - Getting information into long-term memory. Focusing your attention on what you want to remember
6 How We Remember: Retrieval 2 ways to retrieve information from long-term memory: 1)Recognition 2)Recalling Cues can be triggered when recalling info. It is basically an event, thought, picture, word, sound, etc. that triggers the retrieval of info. from long-term memory.
7 Why We Forget An important part of the memory process is making decisions about what information is good to you and worth the effort to decipher it 1. Some information never gets to your memory bank 2. Memories that enter the memory bank may be overtaken with future similar info. that makes the original memory un-retainable 3. Info. that you are completely new on will be harder to remember 4. Some info. can be remembered once you find the proper cue 5. The way we are influences what and how we remember 6. Some pieces of remembered info. may gather together incorrectly 7. Some memories just go away…
8 Strategies to Improve your Memory
9 Remembering More Than 1 Item The Story Method Chunking First Letter Cues Ex: Never Eat Soggy Waffles/ North East South West Create a Word Categorization
10 Improving Your Ability to Recall Three techniques: Cue Yourself Alphabet Search Review in Advance
11 General Tips for Remembering 1. Trust in yourself 2. Make notice of what you want to remember 3. Focus your attention on the matter 4. Take out distractions 5. Give yourself time 6. Use all of your senses 7. Organize yourself 8.Recognize and deal with the problems that may be negatively influencing you memory 9. Relax 10. Laugh 11. Enjoy your earlier memories Source: Improving Your Memory (2005) by Janet Fogler and Lynn Stern pp
12 Conclusion Now you all understand how our memory works and strategies used to help you remember better! I hope you all enjoyed my presentation on improving your memory and now will use the strategies I mentioned in your everyday life.
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