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Презентация была опубликована 9 лет назад пользователемайгерим саденова
1 Professor: El Sayed Negim Magistr: Sadenova Aigerim Almaty 2015 Theme: Effects of available nitrogen on the uptake and assimilation of ferrocyanide and ferricyanide complexes in weeping willows
2 Structure of article Title Authors Address Abstract Key words Introduction Experimental Results and discussion Conclusion References
3 Aim To investigate the effects of different levels of external nitrogen absorption, distribution and assimilation of iron cyanide complexes in the blood and weeping willows
4 Problem Cyanide exists in two oxidation states ecologically in soils and groundwater. These compounds are environmentally problematic because they are susceptible to fotodissotsatsii.
5 Materials and methods 2.1 Tress specimens and exposure regimes 2.2 Determination of the transpiration rate 2.3 Determination of the assimilation rates of iron cyanide complexes 2.4 Determination of translocation efficiency 2.5 Chemical analysis 2.6 Phytovolatilization of iron cyanide complexes 2.7 Statistical methods
6 Cuttings obtained from a single tree. They were sent on mission are placed in buckets at room temperature of 15–18C. After a 2-month period of growth, each young rooted cutting was transferred Erlenmeyer flask
7 2.3 Determination of the assimilation rates of iron cyanide complexes The assimilation capacity of iron cyanide complexes was calculated from
8 2.4 Determination of translocation efficiency
9 Results and discussion Seven different treatments were prepared for each testing chemical deionized water (control); 20%,60%, 100% strength N- free nutrient solution (S-1,S-2,S- 3); 20%, 60%, 100% strength N-containing nutrient solution (S-4,S-5,S-6;) The total cyanide concentration in solution was reduced from 9.66 to 7.95 by weeping willows.
10 The concentration was found in the roots 49.88, followed by the lower stems with a value of 2.39, the lowest cyanide concentration in the biomass was in the higher stems 0.07 RootLower stem Higher stem
11 Uptake of ferricyanide from hydroponic solution by willows The total cyanide concentration declined from 9.19 to 8.74
12 The calculated assimilation rates for ferricyanide are shown in Table 3.
13 Fig. 5 shows the absolute transpiration of weeping willows. A significant difference in the transpiration rate was found for the treatments exposed to ferrocyanide (p < 0.05). For the trees exposed to ferricyanide, the transpiration rate between the seven treatments was also significantly different (p < 0.05).
14 Weeping willows were able to remove both iron cyanide complexes from the hydroponic solution. N-strength in the nutrient solution did not show a significant impact on the uptake of both ferro- and ferricyanide The information collectively suggests that uptake and assimilation mechanisms for ferro- and ferricyanide are largely different in willows. Weeping willows were able to remove both iron cyanide complexes from the hydroponic solution. N-strength in the nutrient solution did not show a significant impact on the uptake of both ferro- and ferricyanide The information collectively suggests that uptake and assimilation mechanisms for ferro- and ferricyanide are largely different in willows. C o n c l u s i o n s
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