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Презентация была опубликована 9 лет назад пользователемАрут Ашхатоян
1 Подготовил Ашхатоян Арутюн YOUTH SUBCULTURE
2 Subculture system of values and norms of behavior, tastes, forms of communication, different from adults and culture characterizes life of adolescents, youth from about 10 to 20 years.
3 Youth subculture received a significant development in the years for several reasons : the extension of education, employment is not forced labor, acceleration
4 Youth subculture, being one of the institutions of socialization factor schoolchildren played a controversial role and has an ambiguous effect on teenagers. On the one hand, it alienates, separates youth from the general culture of the society, on the other contributes to the development of values, norms, and social roles.
5 hippie - one of the oldest youth subcultures. Movement was formed in San Francisco in the mid 60s. XX century. as a protest against philistinism. The basis of the hippie ideology was laid philosophical doctrine associated with the " Jesus Movement." They adhere to pacifist views, practice the idea of " non-resistance ", tend to be creative.
6 Gothic originated in the late 70s. XX century. in the wake of post-punk. Early Goths took a lot of punks in, they looked as punks, with the only difference that the dominant color of the clothes and the hair was black ( with white accents, red or purple ) and silver ornaments. Initially called the Goths only fans of gothic music groups. Goths gradually gained their own lifestyle and mentality of the value hierarchy.
7 Emo - short for " emotional " - a term denoting a special kind of hardcore music, based on crushing strong emotions in his voice and melodic vocals, but sometimes chaotic musical component. Screeching, crying, moaning, whispering coming off the creek - the distinctive features of this style.
8 Hackers - computer users and programmers who hold active, offensive line behavior in the network space. Objects hackers are other people's sites and servers that they hack, incapacitate. In 1988, the world first experienced the power of one of the most effective hacking tools - computer virus.
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