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Презентация была опубликована 9 лет назад пользователемMavjuda Salolova
1 Scotland the beautiful He who has not seen Scotland does not really know Great Britain
2 Scotland
3 Scotland Scotland a country in the United Kingdom to the North of England. Its symbol is a thistle, its patron saint is St. Andrew. The country is divided into Highlands and Lowlands. Most of industry is concentrated in Lowlands, in the Clyde Valley. Glasgow and Edinburgh are the two great centers of Scotland. There is only 45 miles between them.
4 Scotland
5 Glasgow is the heart of industry. It is a center of business and trade. It is very busy, prosperous, dirty in some parts and smart in others, it is beautiful and ugly with its large port and busy streets.
6 Edinburgh is rather cold but attractive, very proud but friendly and has a great past. Edinburgh is known as the Athens of the North. IT is an ancient city.
7 The most interesting parts of the city are the Old Town and the New Town. The Old Town lies between The Castle and Holyrood Palace. The Castle hangs over the city like some Disney cartoon. -
8 The Edinburgh military tattoo The Edinburgh military tattoo takes place every August and September and is known throughout the world. For 90 minutes on five or six nights a week, 600 people perform in the square in front of the castle. The performers play military music and march to it.
9 A line of streets, which runs from the Castle to Holyrood House, is called the Royal Mile.
10 Holyrood house is a big royal palace which is the residence of the Queen when she is in Edinburgh.
11 The Scott Monument 200 feet high rises among green trees. Inside it there is a marble statue of the writer and his favorite dog.
12 Match the proper names and their definitions The Edinburgh military tattooIs a festival of performances that started in 1947 The Royal MileIs a show that takes place 5 or 6 nights a week in August and September The CannongateIs the oldest part of Edinburgh Princes streetIs a line of streets that connects the Castle and Holyrood Palace Holyrood HouseIs a royal palace GlasgowIs an industrial center The CastleIs connected with the name of Walter Scott The Edinburgh festivalIs the most picturesque part of the Royal Mile
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