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Презентация была опубликована 9 лет назад пользователемRoma Blure
1 And Fireworks
3 Bonfire Night is an annual event dedicated to bonfires, fireworks and celebrations. Different traditions celebrate Bonfire Night on different days. Some of the most popular instances include Great Britain's Guy Fawkes Night, which is also celebrated in some Commonwealth countries; Northern Ireland's Eleventh Night, a precursor to The Twelfth; 23 June in the Republic of Ireland, sometimes known as St John's Eve, a similar bonfire tradition survives in parts of Scandinavia and is known as Walpurgis Night; in Australia, the Queen's Birthday. Several other cultures also include night-time celebrations involving bonfires and/or fireworks.
4 In Great Britain, Bonfire Night is associated with the tradition of celebrating the failure of Guy Fawkes' actions on 5 November. The modern festival is, therefore, on 5 November, although some commercially-driven events are held at a weekend near to the correct date, to maximise attendance. Bonfire night's sectarian significance has generally been lost: it is now usually just a night of revelry with a bonfire and fireworks, although occasionally an effigy on Guy Fawkes is burned on the fire. Celebrations are held throughout Great Britain, in parts of Northern Ireland, and in some other parts of the Commonwealth. In the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador, 5 November is commemorated with bonfires and firework displays, and it is officially celebrated in South Africa. In Northern Ireland, the term "Bonfire Night" can refer to the Eleventh Night celebrations of 11 July. Like 5 November, this Bonfire Night also has its roots in the sectarian struggle between Protestants and Catholics. It celebrates the Battle of the Boyne of 1690, in which the Protestant William of Orange defeated the Catholic James II. The 23 June Bonfire Night in Ireland has its origins in a religious celebration and originally featured prayers for bountiful crops.
7 Thanks for watching!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gabaidulin Romka
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