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Презентация была опубликована 9 лет назад пользователемДина Темирбаева
2 A doctor is a professional who practices medicine, which is concerned with promoting, maintaining or restoring human health through the study, diagnosis, and treatment of disease, injury, and other physical and mental impairments.
3 There is no most valuable thing in the world than human life to protect and support which doctors are called. The doctor meets the person at the birth, always nearby at the time of an illness and see off him at the end of a course of life. Therefore it is very important the doctors were qualified.
4 Methods and working methods also constantly change. Today it is necessary to work quickly and it is productive, and in a medical segment the main thing – quality and accuracy. For this reason modern requirements of pharmacy and medicine demand a certain quick reaction. Moreover, in modern medicine it is not enough to be the professional of the business.
5 If the person had a requirement to receive a doctor`s advice concerning the health or, as a rule, he already ached, - he always wants to address to the qualified expert in calculation that his medical care will be effective.
6 Qualification of the doctor is level of his preparation, degree of his knowledge and skill. This qualities of the doctor do not appear in himself, it is work. The doctor constantly improves the ability, a professional outlook, art to heal.
7 The qualified doctor is such doctor who knows how to gain the patient, understands how it is correct to ask the patient on his problems, remembers rules of storage of medical secret.
8 Professional inspection of the patient, certainly, is pledge of the correct recognition of an illness. Only the professional doctor knows the modern techniques applied at inspection of the patient. He knows for what purpose appoints inspection, instead of simply appoints because it is demanded by the medical standard. He knows also what of inspections most informatively at an estimated disease.
9 The qualified expert has to estimate correctly the results received at tool and laboratory inspections of the patient, to be able to analyze the reason and mechanisms of formation and disease development.
10 High qualification of the doctor is important at all stages: - statements of the correct diagnosis - purposes of treatment, taking into account that it is necessary to treat not an illness, and the patient - control of efficiency of treatment - prevention of aggravations, recurrence, complications
11 Profession of the doctor – special specialty, in its basis – love. Love to the person, love to the sick person. Words of Socrat who said are clear that to treat, learn and judge – the most difficult occupation in life. The medicine is a profession from God.
12 Thank you for attention!!!
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