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Презентация была опубликована 9 лет назад пользователемАйдана Амангельды
2 I chose specialty of radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications
3 Directions to professional activity specialist in the field of radio mechanics, electronics and telecommunication comprise of itself development and usage of the systems telecommunication, radio communication, televisions, broadcastings, navigations,, mobile relationship, radio broadcasts and television and bleeps, electronic and computer systems and systems, operated by means of microcontroller.
4 The Object to professional activity graduate to this professions are all branches of the economy state using: -telecommunications and systems to communications; - many-server telecommunication systems; - systems and device radio communication, including, satellite and mobile relationship; - systems and device sound and multimedia technology;
5 The Educational programs to specialization: - a television and cosmic systems of the spying - an economy and management in relationship - a network telecommunication - a many-server telecommunication systems - an electronic systems and technologies
6 The Prospects of the graduate - a bachelor radio mechanics, electronics and telecommunication the most bright. Before these specialist cost(stand) the important problems to modernizations and expansions to national network telecommunication Kazakhstan, construction new fiber- optic line, entering in action new digital ATS.
7 Sphere to professional activity is an area of the science and technology, which includes collection technology, facilities, ways and methods to human activity, directed on making the conditions for changing by information on distance, transformations to information by means of electronic facilities
8 Object to professional activity graduate are an enterprises, complexes, institutions, organizations of the formation and others objects, on which are used technological systems, technical facilities, providing any transmission, radiation and acceptance sign, signal, written text, scenes, sound, on wire, radio, optical, as well as transformation to information electronic facility or following other systems.
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