Words ending in –er and -est We often add –er or –est to adjectives and adverbs. My brother is taller than I am. The safest driver I know is Jan. Spelling. - презентация

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Words ending in –er and -est We often add –er or –est to adjectives and adverbs. My brother is taller than I am. The safest driver I know is Jan. Spelling. - презентация

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Презентация на тему: " Words ending in –er and -est We often add –er or –est to adjectives and adverbs. My brother is taller than I am. The safest driver I know is Jan. Spelling." — Транскрипт:

Скачать бесплатно презентацию на тему "Words ending in –er and -est We often add –er or –est to adjectives and adverbs. My brother is taller than I am. The safest driver I know is Jan. Spelling." в формате .ppt (PowerPoint)

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