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Презентация была опубликована 9 лет назад пользователемРоман Пиотровский
2 Present Indefinite обозначает обычное регулярно повторяющееся действие. СПОСОБ ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ Я работаю на фабрике. Они говорят по-английски. Он работает на фабрике. Она говорит по-английски. Инфинитив Ito workat a factory.towork They to speak to worksat a factory.He to work to speakEnglish. She to speak tospeaksEnglish. (неопределенная форма глагола)
3 Правила орфографии У глаголов, основа которых оканчивается на –y с предшествующей согласной, y меняется на i. to hurry – hurr to study – stud но: to stay - stay y iyes i s Правила чтения окончания (e)s [z] после гласных и звонких согласных stays, opens [s] после глухих согласных works [ιz] watches после шипящих и свистящих Запомните: to go – goes; to do – does [d Λ z], to say – says [sez]
4 Место наречий неопределенного времени Перед смысловым глаголом, но после глагола to be: always, never, often, seldom, usually, generally, Hecomes home at the same time.always She islate for classes.never sometimes Sometimesgo there by bus.theysometimesThey В конце предложения:dayeveryweekmonthyear I do my morning exercisesevery day. всегда никогда часто редко обычно обычно иногда
5 Образование вопросительной формы work at a factoryTheytheyDo.? Wheredotheywork? HelearnesDoheEnglish at school.? ________________ _____________ WheredoheEnglish? ___________ What language _______ Whoworksat a factory? doheat school? WholearnsEnglish at school? eslearn eslearn – Hedoes. – Yes,theydo.– No,theydonot. - Theydo. _____________
6 Образование отрицательной формы Iwork at a factory.donotdont My brotherworksat a factory.doesnotdoesnt Who doesnt work at a factory? – Ido.Я (работаю). – Idont.Я (не работаю). – My brotherdoesnt.
7 ТАБЛИЦА ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ Утвердительная форма Вопросительная форма Отрицательная форма I you we they he she I you we study they he stud she I You we study they he she stud перед смысловым глаголом, но после to be: always – всегда usually – обычно often – часто seldom – редко sometimes – иногда (может употребляться в начале предложения) в конце предложения: day (week, month, year) – каждый день (неделю, месяц, год) esyi do not does not iyes …?Do …?Do Указатели: every yiesstud tostudy to
8 Поставьте глагол в скобках в правильную форму: 1. The children to school in the morning. 2. Their father them to school. 3.Mrs. Sawyer at home. 4. She the housework. 5. She always her lunch at noon. 6.Mr. Sawyer home late. 7. At night the children always their homework. 8. Sometimes Mr. and Mrs. Sawyer TV. (to go)go (to take)takes (to stay)stays (to do)does (to eat)eats (to arrive)arrives (to do)do (to watch)watch
9 Поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную формы. Затем поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам. 1. He stays at school after classes. 2. Their mother goes to bed early. 3. We come to the university at the same time. 4. They have English lessons every day. 5. I work late in the evening. 6. She sees her friends in the afternoon. 7. My brother arrives home early. 8. We write many exercises. 9. I read newspapers every day. 10. They often drink coffee together. 1. Where does he stay after classes? 2. When does their mother go to bed? 3. Who comes at the university at the same time? 4. What lessons do they have every day? 5. How long do you work in the evening? 6. When does she see her friends? 7. Who arrives home early? 8. How many exercises do you write? 9. What do you read every day? 10. What do they often do together?
10 Спасибо за внимание Thanks for your attention
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