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Презентация была опубликована 9 лет назад пользователемФилипп Дорофеев
1 Environmental problems
2 Today people strongly pollute environment without thinking of consequences
3 1. air pollution; 2. littering; 3. noise pollution; 4. soil pollution; 5. radioactive contamination; 6. water pollution; 7. destruction of animals and plants. The major forms of pollution:
4 Air pollution is characterized the release of chemicals and particulates into the atmosphere. Air pollution
5 Littering is characterized by emission of waste of food, plastic, papers and metal products. Littering
6 It is noise of cars, trains, planes. Noise pollution
7 Soil contamination occurs when chemicals are released by spill or underground leakage. Among the most significant soil heavy metals. Soil pollution
8 Environment is polluted by nuclear power generally Radioactive contamination
9 Water pollution happens unloading of sewage from commercial and industrial wastes (purposely or through pro-lithium) on a surface water. Water pollution
10 Animals kill for meat and valuable skins, and plants destroy for the areas under constructions. Destruction of animals and plants
12 Environmental pollution consequences, reduction of stocks of drinking water, illness, global warming, reduction of an ozone sphere.
14 Save our planet!!!
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