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Презентация была опубликована 9 лет назад пользователемСемён Шульгин
1 Internet – Global Network Internet – Global Network
2 Life today is highly dependent on computers - they do most of the important work and are found everywhere - from homes, to police stations, government institutions and military facilities. However, the computer would have never been so popular and widely spread if it was not for the Internet.
3 History When the original conceptual foundation of the Internet was laid back in the 50s, no one had the slightest idea of how far this project would go. At those insecure post-war times of alienation and deepening political division, the vision of the Internet as we see it today, was only a matter of science fiction dreaming. Starting as a military project in the United States, it quickly became very popular in several other countries. Now, several decades later, with the spread of the democratic lifestyle and the amazing technological progress, we all witness the existence of a parallel world of unlimited communication possibilities that occupies an increasing part of our daily routine with the sole purpose of facilitating our lives.
4 The Internet today - common uses The dynamic, user-friendly interface of the Internet as we know it today, is breathed life into by a multi-layer global network system that connects hundreds of millions of computers. This large system is comprised of multiple local and global networks serving private, public, business, academic and government purposes, which allows for the exchange of data between more than a hundred Internet- linked countries worldwide. This makes the Internet an enormous carrier of various information resources and services, such as text and multi-media data, , online chat, VoIP, file transfer and file sharing, ecommerce, online gaming, etc.
5 Most popular sites among all Internet users World Internet or computer network has its own history, which started in Since that time, especially in the last ten years, Internet is very developed and reached a new level. If in 1993 the Internet was about 26 thousand sites, but today that number has increased a million times, as well as the number of users worldwide (over 1 billion). Nowadays, the Internet - a piece of life for many people because people are here for a few hours a day, visiting different sites.
6 Special marketing companies from time to time rating is the most popular sites, we offer you: 1. Google.com - popular search engine, which daily have more than 42% of all Internet users. 2. Facebook.com - the most popular social network. Today, there are more than 500 million registered users worldwide. 3. Yahoo.com-search engine with a large number of services. 4. Youtube.com - the most popular video service in the world. 5. Live.com - another search engine that is famous at Microsoft.
7 6. Wikipedia.org - the largest online encyclopedia on the Internet. 7. Blogger.com - service from Google, designed to create a blog, recently gaining great popularity. 8. Baidu.com - Chinese search engine. 9. Msn.com - Internet service provider owned by Microsoft. 10. QQ.com - Chinese ICQ.
8 Interesting fact: In 2009, the number of site to exceed =)
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