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Презентация была опубликована 9 лет назад пользователемВиктория Унтербергер
1 МБОУ СОШ31 Номинация «Исследовательский проект» Проектно-исследовательская работа «Ancient Egypt» Подготовила: ученица 10 «А» класса Светлана Алехина Проверил: учитель английского языка Н.Ю. Дикова Г.Новочеркасск уч.год
2 Задачи: 1. Выявить и описать место и образ жизни древних людей. 2. Изучить их стиль жизни: быт, искусство, архитектура, религия. 3. Проанализировать какой урок может быть извлечен из опыта древней цивилизации. Актуальность: полученные сведения из области истории помогут избежать ошибок, которые могут привести к гибели современную цивилизацию. Цель исследования: изучение развития и достижений древней цивилизации.
3 Ancient Egyptian Civilization started at the banks of the River Nile and lasted nearly four centures.
4 People in Ancient Egypt were high, with thin waist.They had a straight nose and full lips. Clothes are not much different depending on the estates. All men wore loincloths. Women wore narrow adjacent to their ankle and sarafans. Shoes were sandals.
5 Lifestyle Most Egyptians were landowners. Their homes were built of brick. They liked music and games
6 There are some of the inventions of the Egyptians: alphabet, an obelisk, a temple complex.
7 Some achievements of the Egyptians The greatest invention is the pyramid. It is one of the seven wonders of the world. Their peculiarity is that they have geometric shapes
8 Religion in Ancient Egypt Some Of The Gods Of Egypt
9 Religion in Ancient Egypt Cat is a sacred animal of the Egyptians The goddess Bast-patroness of cats
10 They are Djoser, Khufu, Amenemhat I, Senusret I and Senusret III, Kamose, Ahmose I, Thutmose I, Thutmose III, Hatshepsut, Amenhotep III and Amenhotep IV,Ramesses I Outstanding people of ancient Egypt.. Hatshepsut Nefertity Kleopatra
11 The civilization of Ancient Egypt lasted more than four centuries. The reasons for which she died were wars with large empires (Rome, Libya and the "sea people"). Modern civilization must remember about it and dont repeat the mistakes of the Egyptian Civilization. Reasons of Egyptian Civilization
12 а а ия ия pt/faraon/Hatshepsut/ pt/faraon/Hatshepsut/ pt/faraon/Kleopatra/ pt/faraon/Kleopatra/ Список используемой литературы
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