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Презентация была опубликована 9 лет назад пользователемНикита Гулидов
1 Crossword a way to communicate with your partner who might be a thousand miles away using the computer ( s). a paper printed and sold usually daily or weekly with news, advertisements etc.; broadcasting programmes (the news, plays, advertisements, shows, etc.) for people to watch on their television sets; a newspaper with rather small pages, many pictures and little serious news;
2 Crossword a way to communicate with your partner who might be a thousand miles away using the computer ( s). a paper printed and sold usually daily or weekly with news, advertisements etc.; broadcasting programmes (the news, plays, advertisements, shows, etc.) for people to watch on their television sets; a newspaper with rather small pages, many pictures and little serious news; 1.IntRnet 2.NewspAper D 3.TeievIsion 4.TablOid
3 Guess the quiz: You can turn it on/ off, You can listen to it, It broadcasts a lot of information, It informs you about everything, It sends spoken messages… what is it?
4 Speaking about mass media Radio
5 TYPES OF MASS MEDIA: 1.The Internet 2.Tabloid 3.Newspapers 4.Television (TV)
6 The opportunities of the Internet : - listening to music - looking through the news - watching films or concerts - communicating with friends - The Internet
7 Television Many people cant imagine their lives without TV. They spend most of their time watching serials, films, programmers and never miss it.
8 Newspapers Newspaper was only mass media for people. English people have a tradition to read Newspapers with a cup of tea before breakfast.
9 When was the radio invented? 1. In 1920 by Thomas Edison 2. In 1930 by Michael Faraday 3. In 1895, by A. Popov
10 When do we celebrate the Radio Day? 1. On the 7 th of May 2. On the 4 th of July 3.On the 1 st of September
11 How many radio stations are there in the Russian Federation ?
12 Read and pronounce the words correctly: Radio - радио Telephone - телефон Programme - программа Video - видео Information - информация Report - репортаж Reporter - репортер Advertisement - реклама International Station - станция detail - деталь Channel - канал
13 Lets read the brief text about radio. Ex. 11 p.65
14 Find English equivalents to the Russian phrases from the text: -Cтоит напомнить -В это верится с трудом -Дать свое собственное мнение -Ток-шоу -Слушатели -Позвонить по телефону -Чтобы позвонить в
15 Find Russian equivalents to the English phrases from the text: -its worth reminding -One can hardly believe -To give your own opinion -The talk show host -Listeners -Make a telephone call -To call in
16 What kind of radio programmes do you know?
17 What radio programmes do you prefer and why? news weather forecast ( sport/ fashion/ comedy programmes politics) educational Talk shows for kids Performances entertaining Radio programmes
18 Home work: 1.to learn the song by heart and to give a literary translation of it 2.exercise 3 p. 36 (workbook)
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