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Презентация была опубликована 9 лет назад пользователемАнгелина Буйневич
1 Урок английского языка в 7 классе
2 Tongue-twister I thought a thought. But the thought I thought wasnt the thought I thought I thought. Я подумал о чем-то, Но то, о чем я подумал, не было тем, О чём я думал подумать.
3 Warming up activity 1)Cooking 2)Gardening 3)Sport 4)Reading 5)Collecting
4 The theme of our lesson is How to become famous?
5 How to become famous To grow up ['grəu 'Λp] – становиться взрослым a printing [printiŋ] shop – печатная мастерская an assembly [ə'sembli] line – сборочный конвейер
6 Mark Twain
7 What was real name Mark Twain? 1)Mark TwainMark Twain 2)Tom BlankenshipTom Blankenship 3) Samuel ClemensSamuel Clemens
8 It is right! His real name was Samuel Clemens.
9 Its wrong!
10 When he (Mark Twain) was born? 1) ) )
11 It is right! He was born in 1835.
12 It is wrong!
13 Where did he (Mark Twain) grow up? 1)little city of Hannibal, Missouri 2)little town of Hannibal, Missouri
14 It is right!
15 It is wrong!
16 Who was Tom Blankenship? 1)He was a boy who had not time and money.He was a boy who had not time and money. 2)He was a boy who had no home and no parents.He was a boy who had no home and no parents.
17 It is right!
18 It is wrong!
19 Why children did adore (enjoy) him (Tom Blankenship)? 1)He knew many exciting stories.He knew many exciting stories. 2)He liked dancing.He liked dancing. 3)He worked in printing shop.He worked in printing shop.
20 It is right!
21 It is wrong!
22 How did he sign his stories? Why? 1)Tom TwainTom Twain 2)Sam TwainSam Twain 3)Mark TwainMark Twain
23 It is wrong!
24 It is right!
25 When did he go to work in his brother Orion s printing shop? 1)When Sam was 11When Sam was 11 2)When Sam was 12When Sam was 12 3)When Sam was 13When Sam was 13
26 It is wrong!
27 It is right!
28 It is wrong!
29 What Mark Twain does write in the book Tom Sawyer about? 1)About animalsAbout animals 2)About historyAbout history 3)About childhoodAbout childhood
30 It is wrong!
31 It is wrong!
32 It is right!
33 Henry Ford
34 When Henry Ford was born? 1)He was born in 1863He was born in )He was born 1903He was born )He was born 1914He was born 1914
35 It is right!
36 It is wrong!
37 Where he was born? 1)He was born on a farm near Detroit, USA. 2) He was born in a town, Great Britain. 3)He was born in a city, USA.
38 It is right!
39 It is wrong!
40 Did Henry Ford want to live on the farm? 1)No, he did not.No, he did not. 2) Yes, he did. Yes, he did.
41 It is right!
42 It is wrong!
43 Why Henry Ford did not want to live on the farm? 1)He hated farming and he adored reading. 2)He hated machines and he adored farming. 3)He hated farming and he adored machines.
44 It is right!
45 It is wrong!
46 When did Henry Ford begin to work in a machine shop? 1)When he was 15When he was 15 2) when he was 16when he was 16 3) when he was 17when he was 17
47 It is right!
48 It is wrong!
49 Where did Henry Ford begin his experiments with machines? 1) At garage 2) At home 3) At parkAt park
50 It is wrong!
51 It is right!
52 When did he build his first automobile? 1) ) )
53 It is wrong!
54 It is right!
55 When did he start the Ford Motor Company? 1) ) )
56 It is wrong!
57 It is right!
58 When did the Company make the Model T ? 1) ) )
59 It is wrong!
60 It is right!
61 How much did he pay his workers? 1) 5 US dollars per day 5 US dollars per day 2) 6 US dollars per day6 US dollars per day 3) 7 US dollars per day 7 US dollars per day
62 It is right!
63 It is wrong!
64 Was it large sum in 1914? 1)Yes, it was.Yes, it was. 2)No, it was not.No, it was not.
65 It is right!
66 It is wrong!
67 Where and how many did he spend his money? 1)He spent more than 40 million dollars on charities.He spent more than 40 million dollars on charities. 2) He spent more than 30 million dollars for shopping.He spent more than 30 million dollars for shopping.
68 It is right!
69 It is wrong!
70 What would you tell your friends about the heroes of the stories? This story is about … In his childhood he … When … People remember …
71 Неопределённая форма глагола в качестве определения Когда нам необходимо сообщить, что кто-либо стал первым (the first), последним (the last), единственным (the only), совершив какое-либо действие, мы можем использовать инфинитив в функции определения после the first, the last, the only и т.п. На русский язык такая конструкция переводится с помощью придаточного определительного предложения.
72 Homework 1) Упр 1 стр (текст С) выразительное чтение и перевод текста; 2) составить 6 предложений на грамматику («инфинитив в качестве определения»).*
73 The lesson is over. Good buy!
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