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Презентация была опубликована 9 лет назад пользователемВалентина Лазаревич
1 Министерство Образования и Науки РТ Хабибуллина Алина Александровна Молодой специалист, учитель английского языка в общеобразовательной школе д. Кошлауч Арского района Республики Татарстан
2 Rome was not built in a day
3 What is done cannot be undone
4 Easily earned money is quickly spent
5 Rome was not built in a day. Москва не сразу строилась. What is done cannot be undone. Сделанного не воротишь. Easily earned money is quickly spent. Что легко наживается, легко и проживается.
9 IN 2000
10 Мудрая Сова – Wise Owl
11 Совенок – Owlet
12 He misses lessons. He gets lines if he misses lessons. He gets lines if he misses lessons.
13 He talks with his classmates during the lesson. He gets a report if he talks during the lesson. He gets a report if he talks during the lesson.
14 He is impolite to his teacher. He gets suspension if he is impolite to his teacher. He gets suspension if he is impolite to his teacher.
15 He does not do his homework. He gets a detention or a report if he does not do his homework. He gets a detention or a report if he does not do his homework.
16 He gets bad marks. He gets a detention or lines if he gets bad marks. He gets a detention or lines if he gets bad marks.
17 Кодекс Правил Поведения – Code of Conduct
18 Не расстраивайтесь, если Вызывают в школу маму Или папу. Не стесняйтесь, Приводите всю семью. Пусть приходят дяди, тети И троюродные братья, Если есть у вас собака Приводите и ее.
19 Try to be a bit late for your classes. Be impolite to your teacher and she/he will want to see your family. Do not do your homework. Talk with your classmates during the lessons, it will keep them from sleeping and the teacher will thank you for help. Wear sloppy clothes to school, and your teachers and classmates will think you are very democratic.
20 Try to be always in time for your classes! Always be very polite to your teacher! Always do your homework in order not to get bad marks! Do not talk with your classmates during the lessons! Wear your uniform every day to school!
21 Thank you very much! Я, как и вы, - еще ребенок, Ведь я все-таки совенок! Но я вам тоже пригожусь, Я вместе с вами потружусь!
22 Good bye, girls and boys!
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